Saudi Arabia’s Progressive Steps for Women Pilgrims

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia Steps for Women Pilgrims, a nation deeply rooted in old norms, is taking bold steps for gender equality. Its new reforms, permitting women for pilgrimages without a male guardian, are not just a nod to modernity but a leap toward empowerment. Such changes reflect a visible cultural shift, accepting women’s autonomy and their …

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How to have a happy life?

How to have a happy life?

How to have a happy life? ALLAH (ﷻ) said, “O Ahmad, do you know what kind of life is most pleasurable, and what kind of life is most enduring?” Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said, “Oh my lord, no.” ALLAH (ﷻ) the Exalted said, “As for the most pleasurable life, it is the one who never ceases remembering me, …

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Is life Insurance haram? Best alternatives

Is life Insurance haram?

Is life Insurance Haram? No, it is not Haram in Islam to have life Insurance. If the person whom the insurance company insures receives the amount committed to insure him against illness or any incidents, then there is no problem with life Insurance. source: Is life Insurance Haram? According to Ayatollah Sistani, life insurance …

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Purpose of life in Islam! Beautiful

Purpose of life in Islam

Purpose of life in Islam. Everything that is separate from our soul is to be left behind! This means that whether it’s a house, a car, a job, or a position, it has to go. This Position comes through a 4×6 piece of paper in the form of an assignment and the form of dismissal. …

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Are credit cards haram in Islam?

Are credit cards haram in Islam

Are credit cards Haram in Islam? Credit cards are considered not allowed because when you get one from a bank, they make you sign a contract. If you don’t pay back what you owe on time, you have to pay high interest rates, which is not fair or right according to Quran and Islamic Finance. …

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Why can’t muslims eat pork?

Why can't muslims eat pork

Why can’t Muslims eat pork in Islam is because it is Haram (Forbidden) to eat. In this post, we will delve deeper into both scientifically and spiritually the main reasons Why can’t Muslims eat pork in Islam! In Islam, eating pork is seen as impure and is not allowed. Muslims who eat swine meat are …

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Who is Imam Husain? A Champion.

Who is Imam Husain

Islam’s defender, Imam Husain , The Master of Martyrs, The Son of Commander of the Faithful (ﻉ), and the Queen of Purification (ص). On the third of blessed month of Sha’ban, in the fourth year after Hijrah, news of Imam Hussein’s (ع) birth reached the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ). This was a year after the …

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Benefits of La hawla wala quwwata illa billah

Benefits of La hawla wala quwwata illa billah

La hawla wala quwwata illa billah it means, “There is no power or strength except with Allah.” This small Dhikr expresses our reliance on Allah and acknowledges that all power and strength come from Him. It reminds us of our dependence on Allah’s help and guidance in all aspects of life. This life is only …

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What is sabr in Islam? Strength of a soul

What is sabr in Islam

Sabr in Islam means “to prevent and to conquer or arrest.” Thus, Sabr means to control our Soul from worry, control the tongue from thanklessness or complaining, and restrain our body parts from striking the face in times of distress, tearing our clothes, and so on. Undoubtedly, any misfortunes and hardships that we face in …

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Best and effective Salat ul hajat

Salat ul Hajat

This Salat ul Hajat is so powerful that it can even convert an impossible task into a possible one. For those who have decided to pray this Salat ul Hajat, go ahead without a doubt, and Inshallah, everything will be okay. Remember me in your dua, and remember to comment when everything is sorted. By …

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