Dua for Istikhara: 9 different types of Istikhara

On average, individuals make approximately 750,000 choices throughout their lifespan. Dear Believers, dua for Istikhara is a cherished gift from Allah that allows us to seek divine counsel when faced with decisions of consequence.

Living in a time of vulnerability and uncertainty where tensions are high, making correct decisions is as important as having a good relationship with our family and friends.

supplication for Istikhara, like a beautiful thread, has guided my life. It helped me to start my business journey because I wanted to study in Europe, but Istikhara gently said no, like a whisper from Allah, protecting me.

So, I again tried Australia, thinking its opportunities were right. Yet again, the Istikhara had conveyed that going to Australia for studies might lead me back into negative behaviors, like those old college days when I engaged in harmful habits such as intoxication.

I trusted Istikhara’s consistency and gave in. Its “no” wasn’t stopping me, but keeping me safe. The signs helped me find a better way.

I’m thankful for the times supplication for Istikhara led me differently.

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The Importance of making dua for Istikhara in Islamic tradition.

In Islam, dua for Istikhara is like a unique way of asking Allah’s help when unsure of what to do and wanting divine help. The word Istikhara comes from Arabic, which means seeking goodness.

You perform dua for Istikhara, asking the Almighty to guide you. This Prayer isn’t just for big things; this dua for Istikhara is for anything you are unsure about.

Briefly introduce the concept of seeking guidance through Prayer.

In this blog post, we will discuss different ways to ask for guidance from Allah and when is the right time. Each method of performing Dua for Istikhara is genuine and present in authentic books.
You’re in control – pick the way that feels best for you! Let’s get started!”

You’re in control – pick the way that feels best for you! Let’s get started!”

What time should dua for Istikhara be done?

The given table below outlines the recommended time for performing dua for Istikhara. Based on the writings of al-Muhaddith al-Kashani and al-Muhaqqiq al-Tusi, each day of the week has specific times when doing Istikhara prayer is considered good.

DaySuitable times
SundayFrom the beginning of the day up to noon.
From the afternoon up to sunset.
MondayFrom the beginning of the day up to sunrise.
From lunchtime to noon.
From afternoon to later evening.
TuesdayFrom lunchtime to noon.
From afternoon to later evening.
WednesdayFrom the beginning of the day up to noon.
From afternoon to later evening.
ThursdayFrom the beginning of the day up to sunrise.
From noon up to later evening.
FridayFrom the beginning of the day up to sunrise.
From midday (zohr) to afternoon.
SaturdayFrom the beginning of the day up to lunchtime.
From midday (zohr) to afternoon.

Dua for Istikhara: Exploring Different Types.

When you seek help from Allah in decision-making, you can do so by making dua for Istikhara. There are nine different ways to do Istikhara. Each way helps you to find answers when you need to decide something. Let’s learn about all the Istikhara methods.

  • Prayer of Istikhara with sheets.
  • Istikhara after namaz-e-shab.
  • Istikhara with Rosary (Tasbeeh) attributed to Imam Mahdi.
  • The Istikhara Method Mentioned in Al Jawahir
  • Tafa” UI and Istikhara.
  • Dua for Istikhara from holy Quran.
  • Numerical Istikhara.
  • Appearing Istikharah for others.
  • Seeking the Best with the First Istikhara (Using Chaplets)
  • 2nd Istikhara with champlets.

Istikhara with Rosary (Tasbeeh) Attributed to Imam Mehdi (A)

This Isttikhara with Rosary (Tasbeeh) is also attributed to Imam Mehdi (may Allah’s blessings be upon him). This is how you can do it.

  1. Hold the Rosary: First, you take a rosary (which is a string of beads) in your hand.
  2. Send Blessings: You start by sending blessings to the Holy Prophet and his family three times.
  3. Grasp and Pull: You randomly hold two parts of the rosary and bring two beads together.
  4. Look at the Remaining Beads: If only one bead is left after you’ve done this, it’s a sign that it’s okay to go ahead with your plan.
  5. Two Remaining Beads: If two beads are left, it’s better not to proceed with your plan.

The instruction comes from Imam Mehdi ((may Allah’s blessings be upon him). This tradition was passed down through scholars like ‘Allamah al-Majlisi and Shaykh al-Baha’i.

Dua for Istikhara from holy Quran.

It is worth mentioning that ‘Allamah al-Majlisi has shared information from books written by our knowledgeable scholars, based on a handwritten book by Shaykh Yusuf al-’Uthmani, which traces back to a handwritten book by Ayatollah’ Allamah. According to Imam al-Sadiq (‘a), there’s a special way to do Istikhara using the Holy Qur’an.

Here’s the supplicatory prayer:

After reciting this prayer, open the Holy Qur’an and count six pages. Then, count six lines on the seventh page and read what’s written there. This practice is a way of seeking guidance through Istikharah from the Qur’an.

Istikhara after namaz-e-shab.

A tradition (most of us who pray Namaz-e-Shab know this is true) says you can ask Allah for the best choice during the Night Prayer’s last prostration. You say this 100 times: ‘Istakhīru Llāha bi-raḥmatihi’, which means asking Allah to choose for you.

اَسْتَخِيْرُ اللهَ بِرَحْمَتِهٖ۔

You can also do Istikharah during the dawn Prayer’s last prostration and every bowing during the Noon Prayer. This helps you seek guidance from Allah in your daily prayers.”

Numerical Istikhara.

There’s a book known as “al-Dhikra,” Shaykh al-Shahid talks about a unique Istikhara called “numerical Istikhara.” This way of Istikhara was common after Sayyid Razi al-Din Muhammad ibn Muhammad al-Awi al-Husayni, a respected scholar from southern Lebanon.

Method Shared by Imam al-Mahdi (‘a)
1. Recite Surah al-Fatihah:
– Ten times
– Or at least three times
– Or just once
2. Recite Surah al-Qadr:
– Ten times
3. Say the Special Prayer:
– Repeat three times
Then you say a special prayer given below three times.
Numerical Istikhara

Next, you take a portion of a rosary (Tasbeeh) in your hand, keeping your intention in mind. If the number of beads in a part you hold is even, it’s a sign to go ahead with your plan. If it’s odd, you should reconsider your plan. But remember, this counting method should be decided beforehand, based on whether you consider even numbers as “do” or “don’t” signs.

Performing Istikhara on Behalf of Others: An Expert Perspective

Let’s explore the idea of doing Istikhara for others, as the knowledgeable Sayyid Ibn Tawus explains. While I haven’t encountered a direct tradition allowing Istikhara for others, many teachings encourage helping others with their needs through prayers and devotional acts. There are beneficial traditions related to praying for fellow believers, but let’s focus on Istikhara.

Making Istikhara on behalf of others aligns with the tradition of supporting fellow believers. When someone asks for Istikhara on their behalf, the person performing it must consider two aspects:

For Oneself: If the person performing Istikhara decides whether guiding the requester towards a decision is useful.

For the Requester: If the person performing Istikhara seeks guidance for the requester to proceed with their decision or not.

‘Allamah al-Majlisi suggests that the opinion of Sayyid Ibn Tawus about permitting Istikhara on behalf of others has some validity. This is especially true when the person making Istikhara aims to guide the requester. However, this isn’t a definitive ruling. It’s important to note that specific traditions aren’t readily available on this matter.

With caution, it’s suggested that the person involved in the matter requiring Istikhara should perform it themselves. There isn’t substantial evidence that allowing someone else to do Istikhara on their behalf is acceptable. If this were a practice, we would likely have reports from the companions of the Holy Imams asking them to perform Istikhara on their behalf. Yet, there is no such record.

Ultimately, personal prayer holds greater sincerity and authenticity. It’s more effective for the distressed individual to directly supplicate for themselves than relying on someone else to do it on their behalf.

The dua for Istikhara Method with Sheets: Seeking Guidance

When you’re unsure about a decision and want Allah’s guidance, here’s what you can do:

  1. Take six sheets of paper.
  2. On three sheets, write: “O Allah, remove what I fear.”
  3. On the other three, write: “In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. A choice from Allah, the Mighty, the Wise, for [mention the person’s name] – do or don’t do.”
  4. Place these sheets under your prayer rug.
  5. Pray two units of prayer (Rak’ahs).
  6. While in prostration, say 100 times: “I seek the choice of Allah’s mercy for good in ease.”
  7. Sit and say: “O Allah, choose and select for me in all my matters – ease and well-being.”
  8. Put your hand on the sheets, shuffle them, and pick them one by one.

Here’s what the sheets reveal:

  • Put your hand on the sheets and mix them up.
  • Take them out one by one.
  •  If you get three sheets saying “do it” in a row, you can proceed with your plan.
  • If you get three sheets that say “do it not” in a row, don’t go ahead.
  • If the first sheet says “do it” and the second says “do it not,” put all the sheets together and pick five.
  •  If three of these five say “Do it,” then it’s a sign to go ahead.
  • If not, reconsider your plan.

Tafa” UI and Istikhara.

Here is how to do it: First, you read Surah al-Tawhid three times. Then you send blessings upon the Prophet Muhammad and his progeny (peace be upon him) three times, and after that, you say:

“O Almighty, I’ve entreated for a symbol within Your scripture,
And my reliance rests upon You.
Therefore, unveil for me from Your scripture the obscured,
From Your concealed mystery enshrouded in Your imperceptible realm.”

Now, you open a copy of the Holy Quran without worrying about the number of pages or lines; you look at the first line on the first side of the two pages. This is where you’ll find the particular sign or message.

This is a beneficial method to seek guidance from the Almighty Allah through the holy Quran. This will give you deeper insights.

Seeking the Best with the First Istikhara (Using Chaplets)

Sayyid Ali bn Taaus mentioned this prayer. He found it from the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and the twelve Imams a.s. Istikhara is like a secret gift from Allah. He revealed it to the prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) when he was taken to heaven (That day is called Mehraj-Ul-Alam).

A version of Istikhara comes from our leader, Al-Mahdi (peace be upon him), and his ancestors. This is respected among scholars.

Another Way of Seeking Guidance: Second Istikhara with Chaplet.

In a book called Jawahir, it’s mentioned that there’s another Istikhara that people use nowadays. Maybe it’s connected to our respected leader Al-Qa’im (may our hearts be devoted to him). Here’s how it goes:

  1. After saying a special prayer, hold a chaplet (a string of beads).
  2. Let the beads drop one by one, eight times in a row.
  3. If only one bead is left at the end, it’s a sign that going ahead with the decision is a good choice.
  4. If two beads remain, it suggests not going forward with the decision.
  5. If three beads remain, you can do it or leave it.
  6. If four beads remain, it’s a sign of not going forward with the decision twice.
  7. If five beads remain, there might be difficulties if you proceed.
  8. If six beads remain, it’s a positive sign to go ahead and act quickly.
  9. If seven beads remain, it’s similar to when five beads remain.
  10. If eight beads remain, it’s a sign of not going forward with the decision four times.

This method is meant to help you understand whether a decision is good or not. It’s like a unique way of asking for advice from Allah. The numbers of remaining beads give you clues about what you should do. This tradition is explained in a book called Al-Baqiyati Ssalihat.

How To Perform Istikhara Dua for Marriage?

Performing Istikhara Dua for Marriage using the Quranic Method:

Suppose you’re seeking guidance through Istikhara for your marriage decision. In that case, you can follow this method, which is based on the teachings of Imam al-Sadiq (a), and has been passed down through scholars like Allamah al-Majlisi and Shaykh Yusuf al-’Uthmani.

  1. Begin with a sincere intention in your heart to seek Allah’s guidance regarding your marriage decision.
  2. Perform ablution (wudu) to cleanse yourself spiritually.
  3. Find a quiet and peaceful place where you can focus your attention on the process.
  4. Recite the following supplicatory prayer:
  1. After reciting the supplicatory prayer, open the Holy Quran.
  2. Count six pages from the beginning of the Quran.
  3. On the seventh page, count six lines down and read the verse or content that is written there. Reflect on the words and their relevance to your situation.
  4. Pay attention to any feelings, thoughts, or insights during this process. While there may not be a clear sign, your emotions and thoughts guide your decision.

Ultimately, the Istikhara is a means of seeking Allah’s guidance. Trusting His wisdom and making a decision that aligns with your faith, values, and the insights you’ve gained during this process is essential.

The thoughts of `Allamah Sayyid Muhammad Husayn Tabataba’i

When you want to do something, you should think about it. Use the brainpower that Allah gave you to figure out if it’s a good idea or not.

If you need help deciding on your own (like if you’re not sure if it’s good for you), it’s okay to ask other people for help.

You should ask people who know what they’re talking about and can tell good from bad.
You can trust their thinking to help you decide whether or not you should do it. And if that doesn’t work, there’s one more thing you can do – ask Allah for help and guidance in choosing what’s best for you.

In short, doing Istikhara doesn’t change the rules of religion.It only assists you in making a choice about which path to take. It doesn’t tell you secrets from Allah’s knowledge. Istikhara says, “What’s best for you will come from doing or not doing something.”


  • Arish Husain

    Assalam Alaikum beautiful people! someone who loves Prophet Muhammad and his family a lot. I like finding new ways to teach important stuff, so everyone can understand what Allah wants from us and His plans. We learn to listen for whispers from Allah, understand big plans, get ready for whatever Allah has for us, and try our best. I hope Allah's blessings guide us on this special journey.Allah hu Akbar!

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