Signs of Imam Mahdi’s arrival is sooner than you think

Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام), or the Imam of the Time, is one of the most influential figures in Islamic tradition, and his arrival is expected to be the sign of the final days before the Day of Judgment (Qiyamah). 

So who exactly is Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام)? And what does his arrival mean for Muslims today? Why his appearance in this world holds so much weight with Muslims?

The arrival of Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام) will be the beginning of the Messianic era (The whole universe would be under the rule of Imam Mahdi)- A period before the end of the time when the savior will govern the earth and bring about universal harmony and justice.

Some definite signs of reappearance of Imam Al Mahdi (عليه السلام)

  1. A war which takes lives of two thirds of the total population.
  2. Demolishing of the wall of Masjid Al-Kufa in Iraq.
  3. Sever drought before the coming of Antichrist.
  4. Earthquakes and plague in many places will result in deaths everywhere.
  5. Black flags coming from Khurasan located in Afghanistan.
  6. Injustice and wrongdoing are set to pervade (spread throughout) the entire earth.
  7. Reddish colour appearing in the sky till it fills the whole sky (It recently happend in Bulgaria).
  8. Destruction of Buratha Masjid in Baghdad.
  9. Fire between the earth and the sky. (In a symbolic sense, the “fire” could be seen as a metaphor for turmoil, conflict, or major changes that affect the earthly and celestial realms.)
  10. Appearing the water from Najaf sea.

Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ)

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said: “Before the end of the world, there will be a lot of money, more than people need. People will try to give away their charity (Zakat), but there won’t be anyone to take it. Also, the dry land of Arabia will turn into green fields and rivers.”

In recent years, we have already seen the lands in Saudi Arabia start to turn green, which is what Prophet Muhammad said 1400 years ago. I believe that the day is not that far because most of the Prophecy have been fulfilled already.

Euphrates River drying up

Narrated by Abdullah ibn Umar: Allah’s Messenger (ﷺ) said, “The Euphrates will disclose a treasure (the mountain) of gold, so whoever is present at that time should not take anything of it.”

The Euphrates, once the longest river in Western Asia, has faced significant challenges recently. Much of the Middle East has experienced a rapid decline in freshwater reserves over the past decade. New data has brought to light the escalating aridity in the Tigris-Euphrates Basin, exacerbating the situation due to human water consumption for both drinking and agriculture.

Significant Signs of Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام) coming.

Lunar and Solar Eclipses as important Signs of the Resurrection

These signs have been mentioned by both Shia and Sunni renowned scholars of their time. The last sign of reappearance, which is even mentioned in the holy Quran, is the eclipse as an essential Sign of the Resurrection.

There will be a Solar eclipse in the middle of the month of Ramadan, and then after a few days in the same month of the same year, there will be a Lunar eclipse at the end of that month.

This is a sign which has never appeared since the creation of this earth.

And three landslides, one in the east, another in the west, and one in the Arabian peninsula

When the twelfth Imam (عليه السلام) reappears, one Sufyani will build an army that will attack Iraq and then march towards Hejaz, reaching Medina. They will ransack Medina with cruelty. While heading towards Mecca, his army will set up a camp in the desert near Mecca.

One heavenly voice will be heard. Oh, earth, swallow this tyrant’s group. Suddenly the ground will open, and the whole army will fall. Only a few will be remaining so that they can pass on this news to Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام).

Advent of Sufyani

  • Sufyani, a pillar of mischief and corruption, emerges as a sign of Imam Mahdi’s reappearance.
  • Sufyani’s lineage is traced back to those hostile to Islam and the Prophet.
  • His physical characteristics include a fat body, swollen face, and a white spot on his eye.
  • He possesses a mischievous temperament and oppressive nature, committing heinous acts.

The tradition of His Eminence, Ali (عليه السلام) Regarding Sufyani

  • Ali (a.s) narrates a detailed account of Sufyani’s crimes and oppressions.
  • Sufyani’s rise to power and his actions, including battles, and the slaying of innocent people.

Duration of Sufyani’s Rule

  • Sufyani’s oppressive rule will last for eight months, marked by extreme havoc.
  • His reign ends with the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام).

Black Flags

  • An Islamic army with black flags emerges, symbolizing mourning for Imam Husain (a.s).
  • Numerous traditions support the significance of black flags from the east (Khorasan).
  • Joining these black flags is a sign of Imam Mahdi’s (عليه السلام) presence.

Voice from the Sky

  • An angel or voice from the sky proclaims the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام).
  • People are called to follow and obey him.
  • Multiple traditions emphasize the heavenly announcement.

Jesus Praying Behind Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام)

  • Jesus Christ will descends to Earth, wearing distinctive garments.
  • He will break the christian cross, and he will defeat Dajjal, and recover Imam’s property.
  • Imam Mahdi leads the congregation Prayer, and Jesus Christ will pray behind him.
  • This event will lead to the acceptance of Islam by many Christians.

Who is imam Mahdi (عليه السلام)

Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام) is the leader of paradise. He is among the descendants of the holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny) and his daughter Fatima (peace be upon her and his progeny). There are numerous reports available in abundance.

All these reports indicate the same outcome about Imam Mahdi’s (عليه السلام) future coming. As a practicing Shia Muslim, I also wanted to learn the sayings about Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام) and his future. So that is why I have researched and read many books written hundreds of years back. To find out what is authentic and what just heard things.

A Journey to Discover the True Imam (عليه السلام) – The Story of the Qom Delegation

Once upon a time, in a faraway land called Qom, An Islamic delegation from Qom set out on a journey to a place called Samarrah, which is in Iraq. They had some special money and religious offerings from the Shia community in Qom. Their mission was to deliver these precious gifts to Imam Hasan Askari (عليه السلام), who was the appointed Imam by Allah (سبحانه و تعالى) that time.

However, when they finally arrived in Samarrah, they received some surprising news. They learned that Imam Hasan Askari (عليه السلام) had passed away. They were told that a man named Ja’far had taken his place as the new Imam.

They found that Ja’far was not at home then but had gone out with musicians and entertainers to have fun by the Tigris River. The group from Qom had their doubts, though. They thought that a true Imam (عليه السلام), a holy and righteous leader, would not engage in such activities.

So, they decided to wait for Ja’far to return and see for themselves. When Ja’far finally returned home, they introduced themselves, saying, “We are Shia from Qom, and we’ve brought some money for our beloved Imam Hasan Askari (عليه السلام).”

However, Ja’far interrupted them and asked, “Where is the money?”

The group replied, “We have it with us. But first, can you tell us the amount and who gave it to us? Imam Hasan Askari (عليه السلام) used to inform us of these details when we visited him.”

Ja’far was taken aback and didn’t know how to respond. He said they were lying and that only Allah (سبحانه و تعالى)‎ possessed knowledge of the unseen, not his brother.

The group from Qom was puzzled, and they looked at each other. They told Ja’far that they were representatives of the people of Qom and would only give the money to him if he could show some signs like Imam Hasan Askari (عليه السلام) used to do. They wanted him to prove he was the Imam, or they would return the money to its rightful owners.

In frustration, Ja’far went to the Abbaside Caliph and explained the situation. He asked for the Caliph’s help in taking the Qom delegation’s money. The Caliph also pressured the Qommis and told them to give the money to Ja’far.

But the Qom delegation stood their ground. They explained that they were agents and representatives of the people of Qom, and they had to follow the same procedure as they did during the time of Imam Hasan Askari (عليه السلام). They asked, “What was the sign that Imam Hasan Askari (عليه السلام) used to present?”

They said, “Imam Hasan Askari (عليه السلام) used to know the details of what we brought without us telling him anything. If this man is the true Imam like his brother, he should do the same and prove it to us.”

Ja’far, angry and frustrated, turned to the Caliph and said, “They are falsely accusing my brother. Only Allah (سبحانه و تعالى) knows the unseen; my brother didn’t possess such knowledge.”

The Caliph paid no heed to Ja’far’s words. Instead, he told the Qom delegation to leave the city safely under soldiers protection.

As they left the city, something extraordinary happened. They encountered a handsome young man who knew each of their names and said, “Accept your Master!”

The group asked, “Are you the Master of Guardianship?”

The young man replied, “No, I am the humble servant of your Master. Come with me to meet him.”

The Qom group happily followed the young man to the Imam’s house. There, they saw the Imam (عليه السلام) sitting on a platform, wearing a green robe, and his face shone like a full moon. They saluted him, and he informed them about the money and other items they had brought in detail.

Overwhelmed with gratitude, the Qom group bowed in thanks to Allah (سبحانه و تعالى) for recognizing their true Imam (عليه السلام) and Divine Proof. They asked the Imam some religious questions, and he provided them with answers. They then handed over the money and goods to the Imam (عليه السلام).

Before they left, the Imam (عليه السلام) instructed them not to bring anything to Samarrah in the future. Instead, they should deliver these items to the Imam’s representative in Baghdad and receive the Imam’s written instructions through him.

Hadith about Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام) from prophet Mohammad (ﷺ)

Only if one day remained of this world. According to the Za’idah version, Allah (سبحانه و تعالى) would prolong that day until he raised a blessed person who belonged to my family or to me and whose father’s name is the same as mine, who would fill the earth with fairness and justice as it has been filled with oppression and tyranny.

The hadiths mentioned here are authentic and have been said even before Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام) was born. Some are from Prophet (ﷺ), others from the Imam who came before the Al Mahdi (عليه السلام).

The lineage of Imam al-Mahdi (عليه السلام)

Allah’s last Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) has said, “Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام) is from my progeny, and his face would be like the brightly illuminated moon.”

Women In the Imam’s army

It has been reported by 6th Imam Hazrat Jafar-e-Sadiq (عليه السلام) that there will be thirteen women in the army of Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام).

Moreover, the narrator asked the Imam. What will their role be?

Imam replied

Their work will be to treat the injured and sick people just as the woman did at the time of Allah’s messenger.

Tears of separation

Imam Jafar-Sadiq (عليه السلام) said I swear by Allah (سبحانه و تعالى) that your Imam will go into an occultation for years (No one knows the exact time of his occultation, As the Almighty only knows it). During those periods, the eyes of true believers shall be filled with tears.

The house of Praise

Imam-Sadiq (ﷺ) said Indeed, The possessor of command Al-Mahdi (عليه السلام) has a house known as the house of Praise. A lamp in this house has been glowing since Imam Al-Mahdi (عليه السلام) was born and will continue to glow until the day comes when the Imam makes his appearance with the sword, and it will not be blown out.

Perfection of the Intellect and Moral Traits

The fifth Imam, Hazrat Muhammad Baqir (عليه السلام), has said when our Al-Mahdi makes his advent, the servants’ intellects will unite, and their ethical qualities will be perfected when he places his hand over their heads.

These were some sayings from the Prophet (ﷺ) and Imam (ﷺ). Honestly, there are numerous saying, and I can’t mention all of the hadith.

You might wonder how someone can live for more than a thousand years. As in this case, the age of Al-Mahdi (ﷺ) must be more than one thousand one hundred. 

Practically or Scientifically, this is unachievable for any of us or third person. 

Imam Ali (عليه السلام)

Imam Ali (عليه السلام) has said that when Al-Mahdi comes, his holy name will be on different tongues, and people will be so full of love that no other name will be on their minds and tongues. Friendship with him will enliven their spirits.

Names of Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام)

  • Al-Mahdi – This is among the well-known and most popular names of Imam.
  • Al-Qaim – Means one who rises. As a matter of fact that he would rise for truth.
  • Muntazar – It means the awaited one Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام). For example, his true believers are patiently waiting for him.
  • Hujjat – It means proof. Because he is the proof of almighty Allah (سبحانه و تعالى) upon his creatures.
  • Sahib-al-Zaman – Guardian of th age
  • Khalaf-e-Salih is the righteous successor and the best because he is from the most remarkable families of this world and here and after.


Will imam Mahdi (عليه السلام) come before dajjal?

Dajjal means deceiver and will falsely claim that he is Messiah being awaited by his followers. He will have one eye and be blind in the other eye. His false claims will increase with his number of followers.

Dajjal will be among the sons of Adam, and he would be the last leader of falsehood, and it has been mentioned that Dajjal will come before Al-Mahdi (May Allah hasten his reappearance) And he will be killed by the righteous successor Al-Mahdi (May Allah hasten his reappearance).

It is unknown if Dajjal is alive or will be born, but there are numerous sayings on this that he is alive. But as a matter of fact, I did not find any authentic narration about this that mentions the exact date when Dajjal was born.

Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) sayings on Dajjal

According to prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Dajjal will be a young man and his hair will be thick and curly, he will be blind in his right eye.

Will imam Mahdi (عليه السلام) rule the world?

Yes, Al-Mahdi will not only rule the world but also the heart of his people. He will fill the earth with justice and equality and everyone will be equal. There will be one and only region Islam will prevail.

How Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام) will look like?

His face will be like glittering stars, and his skin tone will be Arab. People will recognize the glory and majesty in his look. The tradition from the holy prophet (PBUH) that certainly Allah (سبحانه و تعالى) shall make a person to appear from my progeny.

How will Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام) rule the world, and what will Imam Mahdi (عليه السلام) do?

Imam (عليه السلام) will establish his government in Kufa (a city in Iraq). It has been mentioned that it would be considered the most important city in Imam’s Regime and that people will regret not buying any land in Kufa).

It has been mentioned in authentic sayings that his government will start in the Mosque of Salah or his house in Samarra. And then Imam (عليه السلام) will expand his kingdom of Allah outwards far east to China and European cities as well from there his government will grow.

His government mission will be to clear it from all the oppressors. Oppression will not return to the world, and justice will prevail until the day of judgment.


  • Arish Husain

    Assalam Alaikum beautiful people! someone who loves Prophet Muhammad and his family a lot. I like finding new ways to teach important stuff, so everyone can understand what Allah wants from us and His plans. We learn to listen for whispers from Allah, understand big plans, get ready for whatever Allah has for us, and try our best. I hope Allah's blessings guide us on this special journey.Allah hu Akbar!

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