Powerful Dua after Adhan: You must know

Dua after Adhan, as per the teachings of our beloved prophet Muhammad (PBUH), there are situations when our Dua has a higher chance of being accepted by the gracious will of Allah.

Dua after adhanTransliteration – Allahumma rabb haadhihi ad-da’wati at-taammati, wal-salatil qaimati, aati Muhammadan al-waseelata wal-fadeelata, wab’ath-hu maqaaman mahmoodan allathee wa’adtahu. Innaka laa tukhliful mi’aad.

Respecting the call to prayer is essential because our creator, the Almighty Allah, is calling us to come and worship Him. Remembering your creator is a sign that you believe in his oneness and a reminder of the importance of worship.

Beautiful quotes of Mola Ali a.s.

“The cure for your ailments lies within you, though you may not realize it. Your illnesses originate from within, though you may not recognize them.”

“Supplication (dua) is the believer’s weapon, the foundation of their faith, and the light that illuminates the heavens and the earth.”

“Allah’s kindness to His servant when they implore Him in supplication is greater than a mother’s swift response to her child’s cry.”

Imam Ali a.s.

Origins and history of the Adhan.

According to Imamiyyah jurisprudents, the Adhan began with Allah’s order and revelation to the Prophet’s heart. Narrations from the Ahl al-Bayt (‘a) reinforce this belief. One such narration in Al-Kafi tells of the Prophet’s ascension to the heavens, during which Archangel Gabriel called the Adhan.

The Prophet led the angels and prophets in prayer, underscoring the divine nature of the Adhan.

Another narration explains that when Gabriel descended with the Adhan for the Prophet, his head rested on Ali’s leg. After Gabriel’s call, the Prophet inquired if Ali had heard and memorized it, which Ali affirmed. The Prophet instructed Ali to teach Bilal the Adhan, highlighting its transmission within the Islamic tradition.

What makes these traditions significant is the rarity of divine revelation occurring twice, emphasizing the divine origin and importance of the Adhan in both its initial disclosure and subsequent declaration for the Muslim community.

In summary, the Adhan is a crucial aspect of Islamic practice, affirmed by both Sunni and Imamiyyah scholars, with traditions supporting its divine origin through Gabriel’s call to the Prophet Muhammad and its transmission to the community through Ali and Bilal.

These narrations underscore its profound religious significance.

Source: Al-Islam.org

Dua after adhan in Arabic.

What is the dua after adhan?

Dua after adhan in English.

Dua after adhan in English: “O Allah, the Lord of this flawless call to prayer and the established prayer, bestow upon Muhammad Your intercession and grace, and elevate him to the esteemed station You have promised, for Your promises are always fulfilled.”

Dua after adhan transliteration.

When you hear the Islamic call to prayer then recite this dua after Adhan transliteration.

  1. La hawla wa la quwwata illa billah.

And the other Dua after Adhan which can also be recited is:

  1. Allahumma rabb haadhihi ad-da’wati at-taammati, wal-salatil qaimati, aati Muhammadan al-waseelata wal-fadeelata, wab’ath-hu maqaaman mahmoodan allathee wa’adtahu. Innaka laa tukhliful mi’aad.

Dua after Adhan hadith’s.

Narrated by Abu Huraira (رضي الله عنه): When you hear the Mu’adhdhin, repeat what he says, and when he finishes, invoke a blessing on me (the Prophet). Whoever invokes a blessing on me, Allah will return it to him ten times. Then, ask Allah to grant me Al-Wasilah. It is a high rank in Paradise that only one of Allah’s servants will attain, and I hope I will be the one.”

Hadith about the Adhan’s Blessing (Hadith Number 583): Abu Sa’id Al-Khudri told my father, “When you’re in the wilderness with your sheep and want to call for prayer, raise your voice. Whoever hears it, whether a person, jinn, or any creature, will testify for you on Judgment Day.” Abu Said heard this from Allah’s Apostle.

Hadith about Waiting for Adhan (Hadith Number 584): Anas bin Malik said, “When the Prophet went to battle, he waited until morning to attack. If he heard the Adhan, he’d delay the attack. We reached Khaibar at night, and when he didn’t hear the Adhan, he rode forward. The people of Khaibar recognized him, and he said, ‘Allahu-Akbar! Khaibar is defeated.'”

Hadith about the Rewards of Congregational Prayer (Hadith Number 589): Allah’s Apostle said, “If people knew the reward of pronouncing the Adhan, standing in the first row for prayer, and praying in congregation, they’d draw lots for it, rush to the Zuhr prayer, and come to Fajr and ‘Isha’ prayers even if they had to crawl.”

Hadith about the Rewards of Praying in Congregation (Hadith Number 620): Allah’s Apostle said, “Praying in congregation is 25 times better than praying alone at home or in the market. For every step to the mosque, you’re rewarded. Your sins are forgiven, and angels pray for your blessings. You’re in prayer as long as you’re waiting.”

What are three situations when dua is accepted?

Per the teachings of our beloved prophet Muhammad (PBUH), there are situations when our Dua has a higher chance of being accepted by the gracious will of Allah.

What to do when I hear azan?

Ensure that you know the designated prayer times, as the Adhan is called before each of the five daily prayers in Islam.

While the muezzin (the person calling the Adhan) recites the Adhan, you can silently repeat each phrase after them. This is known as “takbir.”

After the Adhan is complete, you can make personal supplications (dua) to ask for Allah’s blessings and guidance. This is a moment to pray for your needs and desires.

After completing the prayer, take a moment to reflect on your connection with Allah and offer gratitude for the opportunity to worship.

After the Adhan is complete, it’s a good practice to send blessings and salutations upon the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) by saying “Salawat” (e.g., “Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammad wa Ali Muhammad“).

What is the reward of answering Azan (Adhan)?

  1. Forgiveness of Sins: It is said by Islamic scholars that when we respond to the Adhan by repeating the words after the Mu’adhin (the one who calls the prayer), their minor sins are forgiven. This is a highly respected act and a means of seeking forgiveness from Allah.
  2. Intercession on the Day of Judgment: It is also believed that when we respond to the Adhan, we will be among those who receive the intercession of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) on the Day of Judgment. This intercession may help us attain Allah’s mercy and forgiveness.
  3. Special Place in Paradise: Traditions in Islamic hadith literature suggest that those who respond to the Adhan will have a special place in Paradise. The rewards and blessings for such individuals are believed to be significant.
  4. Dua Acceptance: It is believed that the supplications (duas) made between the Azan and the Iqama (the second call to prayer) are more likely to be accepted by Allah. Therefore, this time is considered an opportune moment for making personal supplications.
  5. Reward in This Life and the Hereafter: Responding to the Azan is seen as obedience and devotion to Allah. While the rewards in the Hereafter are significant, they can also bring peace and contentment to a person’s life by fostering a closer connection with their faith.

Does Dua get accepted after Azan?

There have been numerous saying that when we ask Allah for our wishes to be granted after reciting the Dua after Adhan, He listens to it and fulfills all our halal Dua. I have also tried this, and I believe in Allah that he will, Inshallah, fulfill my request soon.

What is Salawat Dua?

Allahuma Salli Ala Muhammad Wa Alihi Muhammad

This unique phrase means, ‘O Allah, please bless and send your love to our Prophet Muhammad and his family. May peace and blessings be upon him and his family.’ It’s a way to show our love and respect for the Prophet Muhammad and his family.

Many good things happen when we say this phrase after reciting dua after adhan, which is called ‘Salawat’:

  1. A Special Gift: Saying Salawat is like getting a special gift from Allah.
  2. Heavenly Gift: It’s a gift from Heaven that makes our hearts shine.
  3. Makes Us Better: Salawat helps make our hearts better and our words kinder.
  4. Guiding Light: It’s like a bright light that shows us the right way to live.
  5. Allows Us to talk to Allah SWT: Salawat is like a friend who talks to Allah for us.
  6. Special Mention of Allah: Allah remembers us when we say Salawat.
  7. Makes Our Prayers Better: Our prayers become even better when we say Salawat.
  8. Brings Us Closer to Allah: It helps us feel closer to Allah.
  9. Dreams of the Prophet: Sometimes, if we’re lucky, we might see the Prophet Muhammad in our goals if we say Salawat.
  10. Protection: It keeps us safe from bad things and the fire of Hell.
  11. Company in the Afterlife: In the afterlife, it helps us on our journey.
  12. Heaven’s Key: Salawat is like a key that allows us to enter Heaven.
  13. Blessings in Three Worlds: It’s a blessing for us in this world, the next, and the world in between.
  14. Allah’s Mercy: Allah is very kind to us when we say Salawat.
  15. Best Deed: On Judgment Day, conveying Salawat is one of the best things we can do.
  16. Heaviest Good Deed: It’s like having a heavy good deed on our side.
  17. Loved by Allah: Allah loves it when we say Salawat.
  18. Putting Out the Fire: It cools down the fire of Hell.
  19. Makes Our Prayers Beautiful: It makes our prayers look even more beautiful.
  20. Cleansing Sins: Saying Salawat can clean away our mistakes.
  21. Brings Goodness: It can make our lives better and happier.

So, it’s beautiful to say Salawat after reciting Dua after adhan often and spread kindness and love wherever we go. It can make our hearts feel light and happy, like a special gift from Allah. Remember, even one Salawat is full of blessings!”


  • Arish Husain

    Assalam Alaikum beautiful people! someone who loves Prophet Muhammad and his family a lot. I like finding new ways to teach important stuff, so everyone can understand what Allah wants from us and His plans. We learn to listen for whispers from Allah, understand big plans, get ready for whatever Allah has for us, and try our best. I hope Allah's blessings guide us on this special journey.Allah hu Akbar!

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