Dua after wudu and things that invalidate wudu hadiths

Dua after wudu when we start ablution, it’s important to say “Bismillah” (which means “In the name of Allah”). The Prophet (PBUH) taught that no prayer is valid without ablution, and no ablution is valid without mentioning the name of Allah. He also said that starting anything significant with the name of Allah brings blessings. (Ahmad, Abu Daud, Ibn Majah, etc.)

Wudu came from wadha’ah, meaning clean, beautiful, and light. In Arabic culture, they utter “tawadda’tu lissalah or nawaytu lissalah,” meaning “I perform ablution for Salah.” If we see the meaning of wudu from the Shariah, it means washing certain limbs, which Allah SWT obligates using clean water.

In the Holy Quran, the Almighty Allah says Believers! Remember to wash your face and arms up to your elbows when it’s time for prayer. Remember to wipe over your heads and wash your feet up to your ankles. If you find yourself in a state of Janabah (ritual impurity in Islamic tradition), purify yourselves.

But if you’re feeling unwell, traveling, just used the restroom, or have been in contact with women, and there’s no water around, look for clean earth and use it to clean your face and hands. Allah’s intention isn’t to make life complicated for you but to purify and shower you with His blessings so that you can be grateful.

Dua and steps for a purifying wudu (Ablution)

Dua before and dua after ablution English

Dua before wudu is “Bismillah,” which means starting in the name of Allah. Dua after wudu is “I testify that there is no true god but Allah the Alone, has no associate with Him, and testify that Muhammad is His slave and Messenger,” the eight gates of Paradise will be opened for him to enter through any of them.” (Muslim)

You can say special prayers while washing different parts of your body during wudu’. For example, when washing your right hand, you can say, “O Allah! Give me my Record on the Day of Judgment in my right hand.”

When washing your face, you may say, “Oh Allah! Make my face bright on the day when some faces grow bright, and others grow dark.”

It’s important to note that, according to Ibn Al-Qayyim, the only things we know for sure that Allah’s Messenger said during wudu’ are “Bismillah” at the beginning and the testimony.

The Miracle of ablution: Benefits and prevention of various diseases.

In medical science, washing up and staying clean from filth is seen as helpful to keep ourselves safe from pollution and illnesses in the surroundings.

Muslims perform Wudu or ablution at least five times a day before going for Salah, which helps us stay physically and spiritually clean.

In a hadith, the Prophet said, “If you wash your hands and body correctly during ablution, it’s like washing away all your sins, and they will leave your body from under your fingernails.” (Hadith narrated by Imam Muslim).

  • Doing wudu regularly helps remove dust and harmful things from your skin, both on the outside and inside.
  • Your skin stays clean from germs and dirt.
  • This keeps your inner skin healthy and working well.
  • Water in wudu helps strengthen your hair, blood vessels, nerves, and other parts close to your skin.

For those who believe and do good deeds, Allah promises a beautiful place with gardens and flowing rivers. They will stay there forever and have loving and clean spouses. In these gardens, there will be lots of shade to enjoy.

(Quran 4:57)

Wudu (Ablution) and Ritual Bathing in Islam.

If you are feeling sick or traveling, or if you have visited the restroom or been close to women, and you can’t find any water to clean yourself, don’t worry. Allah doesn’t want to make things tough for you. Instead, He wants to help you stay clean and be thankful. So, just find some clean earth and use it to wipe your hands and face. This way, you can still stay pure even when water is scarce. (Quran 5:6)

Before praying, Muslims should do wudu or ghusl based on their needs (washing certain body parts).

  • Allah’s guidance also tells us when to take a full bath:
  • When semen comes out.
  • After having intercourse.
  • During menstruation (for women).
  • After giving birth.
  • After childbirth.
  • After someone passes away.

You need to take a full bath (ritual bath) in these situations:

  • After you’ve urinated or had a bowel movement.
  • When a man’s skin touches a woman’s skin, they’re not closely related.
  • If you’re asleep and can’t tell if you’ve passed gas.
  • If you’ve lost your senses due to being drunk or unwell.
  • If you touch your private parts or bottom with your hands.
  • If you’ve left Islam (apostasy).

Dua after wudu hadith

The Prophet said, “When you wash your face and hands before prayer, make sure to wash your nose too. Put some water in your nose and then blow it out gently. And if you use stones to clean after using the restroom, use an odd number of stones.”

The Prophet asked, “Imagine if there was a river right next to your house, and you could go in and take a bath in it five times every day. Would you still be dirty?” They answered, “No, we would be completely clean!” The Prophet smiled and said, “That’s similar to when we pray five times a day; Allah forgives our mistakes and sins.” (Bukhari & Muslim)

Ghusl after periods hadith of Prophet

A’ishah, reported it from Prophet (PBUH), once asked him about how to clean after menstruation. The Prophet told her that every woman should use water mixed with lote tree leaves to wash herself well. Then, she should pour water on her head and rub it really well until it reaches the roots of her hair. After that, she should wash herself properly in that area.

Finally, she should use a piece of cotton with musk to purify herself.

Asma asked how she should use the cotton, and the Prophet said, “She should cleanse herself.” Asma also asked about taking a bath after having relations with her husband.

The Prophet said she should wash herself thoroughly or complete the ablution, pour water on her head, rub it until it reaches the roots of her hair, and then bathe the rest of her body. A’isha was impressed by how eager the women of Ansar were to learn about religion and praised their commitment to understanding. (Bukhari & Muslim)

Hadith of Prophet (PBUH) on People of Quba.

Purification is something that Allah SWT loves. The Prophet once said that a particular verse was revealed about the people of Quba because they used to clean themselves with soil and water after using the restroom. The verse says, “Wherein are men who love to purify themselves.” (Abu Daud & Tirmidhi)

Divine love for purification

Purification is something that Allah SWT loves. The Prophet once said that a particular verse was revealed about the people of Quba because they used to clean themselves with soil and water after using the restroom. The verse says, “Wherein are men who love to purify themselves.” (Abu Daud & Tirmidhi)

The Importance of Wudu: A sacred act known only to Allah

Believers have a special connection to purification because it’s a worship that only Allah can see. The Prophet also taught that prayer is the best thing a person can do, and true believer always keeps themselves clean through ablution (wudu’). (Ibn Majah, Darmi, and Baihaqi)

The blessings of nighttime supplication in wudu.

If a Muslim goes to sleep after performing ablution and then wakes up at night, remembers Allah, and asks for good things in this life and the Hereafter, Allah will grant their wishes. (Ahmad & Tabrani)

The Prophet’s (PBUH) guidance on natural practices.

Purification is also a part of our natural way of life. The Prophet mentioned ten things that are part of our nature, one of which is cleaning ourselves properly after answering the call of nature. He also mentioned clipping the mustache, letting the beard grow, and brushing teeth with a miswak stick. (Muslim)

Factors that Invalidate wudu.

We will only burst myths and discuss facts based on our beloved Prophet’s (PBUH) teachings. I have provided below hadiths concerning the things which invalidate the wudu and upon which I have also created bullet points summary help yourself to Jannah. 

  1. Relieving Oneself: When you go to the bathroom to urinate or defecate, or if you pass gas. The Quran mentions, “or one of you comes after answering the call of nature.” (Al-Maidah: 6). The Prophet explained that you need to perform ablution (wudu) to become pure again.
  2. Urethral Discharge or Pre-seminal Fluid: If you experience pre-seminal fluid (madhi) or prostate secretion (wadi), you should wash your private area and perform ablution, as advised by the Prophet.
  3. Complete Sleep: When you fall into deep sleep and lose consciousness, you must perform ablution when you wake up. But it doesn’t break your wudu if you are just drowsy and still aware.
  4. Eating Camel’s Meat: The Prophet recommended performing ablution after eating camel’s meat, but it’s optional after eating other types of meat.
  5. Loss of Senses or Unconsciousness: If you lose your senses due to lunacy, epilepsy, fainting, or substances like drugs or alcohol, you should perform ablution once you regain consciousness because a clear mind is essential for wudu.
  6. Touching Sexual Organs: If you touch your private parts with your bare hand, you should perform wudu, whether you’re a man touching the penis or a woman touching the vulva.
  7. Vomiting: After vomiting, it’s recommended to perform wudu.
  8. Excessive Bleeding: If you experience nosebleeds during prayer, it’s advised to redo your wudu.
  9. Touching a Woman with Desire: If you touch a woman with desire, which leads to pre-seminal discharge, you should wash your private area and perform wudu, similar to what’s recommended before prayer.

Does walking in a toilet break wudu?

It does not break the wudu just by walking inside the toilet Because nothing makes ‘Wudu’ invalid. Some other things can also make Wudu’ not work, like peeing or pooping, or if some yucky stuff comes out of your body in a lot.

Is it okay to dry yourself after wudu in Islam?

Yes, it is allowed to dry the body parts after performing the ‘Wudu.’ Using a towel to dry your body after washing it during ghusl (ritual bath) or wudu (ablution) is okay.

Can you Say bismillah in the bathroom?

Yes, saying “Bismillah” for wudu or when relieving oneself inside the bathroom is Makruh (discouraged in Islam, but not sinful). Saying bismillah inside the washroom is an act in which you seek the help of Almighty Allah, and there is no harm.

Does eating food break wudu?

Most scholars agree that when you eat or drink, it doesn’t break your ablution. Just ensure to wash your mouth thrice when you eat something.

What do you say to complete wudu?

Dua, you say to complete wudu, is also mentioned above. In English, we say, “O Allah, I ask You for the completeness of wudu, the completeness of prayer, the completeness of Your pleasure, and Paradise. Praise be to Allah, the Lord of all worlds.”

Is Wudu after Ghusl?

You don’t have to do wudu after taking a ghusl (ritual bath) because when you take a ghusl, you wash your whole body, making you clean. But remember, if you want to pray (Salah) after taking a ghusl, stay clean and don’t do things that can make wudu or ghusl Invalid before you pray. Source

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  • Arish Husain

    Assalam Alaikum beautiful people! someone who loves Prophet Muhammad and his family a lot. I like finding new ways to teach important stuff, so everyone can understand what Allah wants from us and His plans. We learn to listen for whispers from Allah, understand big plans, get ready for whatever Allah has for us, and try our best. I hope Allah's blessings guide us on this special journey.Allah hu Akbar!

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