3 Powerful dua for entering the bathroom

Dua for entering the bathroom is a supplication to seek the blessings of the Almighty and protection from male and female jins. The etiquette of going to the washroom is the Sunnah of our beloved Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).

By doing what our prophet (ﷺ) used to do, we can feel a sense of divine guidance and pleasure that is out of this world, trust me. The basis of doing dua for entering the bathroom is to seek personal and spiritual development through the prophet’s actions. A few benefits of doing dua for entering the bathroom are.

  • Divine guidance and pleasure.
  • Spiritual growth and purification.
  • Ethical and moral development.
  • Legal and practical guidance.

Dua for entering the bathroom english.

  • Enter with the left foot first, saying: “In the name of Allah and with Allah’s blessings. I seek refuge with Allah from impurity and filth, from the wicked and the wicked one, and from the cursed devil.”

Etiquttes of entering bathroom.

  • When you begin to undress, say “BISMILLAH” (In the name of Allah).
  • Maintain privacy by covering your private parts. It’s prohibited to face or turn your back towards the Qiblah (direction of prayer) during excretion.
  • While excreting, say: “O Allah, provide me with wholesome sustenance in well-being, and remove from me the impurity in well-being.”
  • If you accidentally see the waste, say: “O Allah, provide me with lawful sustenance and keep me away from the unlawful.”
  • After finishing, ensure complete cleanliness, and then say the supplication when you see water: “Praise be to Allah, who made water pure and did not make it impure.”
  • During cleansing, say: “O Allah, protect my private parts, forgive me, conceal my flaws, and keep me safe from the Fire.”
  • After standing up, rub your abdomen with your right hand and say: “Praise be to Allah, who relieved me of discomfort, provided me with food and drink, and saved me from affliction.”
  • Leave the toilet area with the right foot first, saying: All gratitude belongs to Allah, who has familiarized me with His solace, maintained His strength in my body, and removed harm from me. What a great blessing! What a great blessing! What a great blessing! The Almighty’s power cannot be measured.”
Key takeaways (Dua for entering the bathroom)
Topic: Dua for Entering the Bathroom:
– Dua for entering the bathroom seeks blessings and protection from male and female jinns.
– Following the etiquette of going to the washroom is a Sunnah (practice) of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ).
– Emulating the Prophet’s actions can lead to a sense of divine guidance and pleasure.
– The basis of making dua for entering the bathroom is personal and spiritual development through the Prophet’s actions.
Benefits of Dua for Entering the Bathroom:
– Divine guidance and pleasure.
– Spiritual growth and purification.
– Ethical and moral development.
– Legal and practical guidance.
Dua for Entering the Bathroom
– Enter with the left foot first, saying: “In the name of Allah and with Allah’s blessings. I seek refuge with Allah from impurity and filth, from the wicked and the wicked one, and from the cursed devil.”
Etiquettes of Entering Bathroom
– Begin by saying “BISMILLAH” (In the name of Allah) when undressing.
– Maintain privacy by covering private parts.
– Avoid facing or turning your back toward the Qiblah (direction of prayer) during excretion.
– While excreting, say a supplication for wholesome sustenance and purification.
– If waste is accidentally seen, supplicate for lawful sustenance.
– After finishing, ensure cleanliness and recite a supplication when using water.
– During cleansing, supplicate for protection, forgiveness, and concealment of flaws.
– After standing up, rub abdomen with right hand and express gratitude.
– Leave the toilet area with right foot first and recite a supplication.
Do’s and Don’ts: Islamic Etiquette in the Toilet
– Enter with left foot.
– Commence with “Bismillah.”
– Ensure privacy and cover private parts.
– Use water for cleaning after using the toilet.
– Use left hand for cleaning (Istinja).
– Dispose of used materials properly.
– Exit bathroom with right foot.
– Urinating in the direction of the Qibla is considered prohibited (haram) in Islam.
– Use right hand for cleaning (Istinja).
– Urinate/defecate in prohibited areas.
– Enter toilet with items bearing Allah’s name.
– Engage in conversations or take Allah’s name inside the toilet.
– Waste water or toilet paper unnecessarily.
Hadith of Prophet (ﷺ) on Etiquettes of Washroom
– The Prophet recommended saying “Allahumma inni a’udhu bika…” (O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the male and female devils) when entering the bathroom.
How Muslims Enter the Bathroom
– Start with “Bismillah” to remember Allah’s presence.
– Enter with left foot based on the Prophet’s teachings.
Entering the Toilet and Wudu
– Certain actions (passing gas, urination, etc.) invalidate wudu (ablution).
– Entering the bathroom sometimes breaks wudu.
Dua Before Entering the Bathroom
– Muslims say a specific dua before entering the bathroom.
Can You Make Dua in the Bathroom?
– Generally discouraged due to the impure environment of bathrooms. Consult religious authorities for specific guidance.
Relevant Articles
– Dua when entering the toilet transliteration.
– Dua for leaving the bathroom.
– Islamic etiquette in the toilet: Do’s and Don’ts.
– Hadith of Prophet (ﷺ) on washroom etiquette.

Dua when entering the bathroom transliteration

Bismillahi wabi-llahi

A’oodhu billahi mina rrijsi n-najisi

Al-khabithi l-mukhbiti

Ash-shaytani r-rajim

Dua for entering toilet and leaving

“Praise be to Allah, who acquainted me with His comfort,
Maintained His strength in my body,
And removed harm from me.
What a great blessing!
What a great blessing!
What a great blessing!
The All-Powerful cannot be measured in His greatness.”

Do’s and Don’ts: Islamic etiquette in the toilet.


  • Enter the toilet with your left foot.
  • Commence by saying “Bismillah” (In the name of Allah).
  • Ensure privacy by covering your private parts.
  • Use water for cleaning after using the toilet.
  • Use your left hand for cleaning (Istinja).
  • Dispose of used toilet paper or materials properly.
  • Exit the bathroom with your right foot.


  • Face the Qibla (prayer direction) while using the toilet.
  • Use your right hand for cleaning (Istinja).
  • Urinate or defecate in pathways, shady areas, or still water sources.
  • Enter the toilet while wearing items with Allah’s name.
  • Engage in conversations or take the name of Allah inside the toilet.
  • Wastewater or toilet paper unnecessarily.

Hadith of Prophet (ﷺ) on etiquttes of washroom.

Whenever an individual needs to use the restroom, they should recite: “Allahumma inni a’udhu bika minal-khubthi wal-khaba’ith” (O Allah, I seek protection in You from impurities and wicked beings), as mentioned in Sahih Bukhari.

How do Muslims enter the bathroom?

Begin with Bismillah: We, as Muslims, start by saying “Bismillah” (In the name of Allah) before entering. This reminds us of Allah’s presence even in daily activities.

Enter with the Left Foot: The first step into the bathroom with our left foot. This is based on the teachings of the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), who encouraged starting with the left foot for impurity-related actions.

Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) stated that “Cleanliness is half of faith” (Al-Tirmidhi). This means the spiritual and physical significance of cleanliness in Islam. The Prophet (ﷺ) encouraged Muslims to maintain cleanliness in their bodies, clothing, surroundings, thoughts, and intentions.

Does entering the toilet break wudu?

Entering the bathroom sometimes breaks your wudu. But remember, certain things you might do after going to the bathroom can make your wudu go away. These include using the toilet, passing gas, or touching impure things. Let’s talk about five times when your wudu is not valid anymore:

  • Passing Wind: If you pass gas, your wudu is not valid anymore.
  • Urination and Defecation: Your wudu goes away when you pee or poop. It doesn’t matter if it’s a little or a lot, your ablution breaks.
  • Excessive Vomiting: If you vomit a lot, your wudu is not good anymore.
  • Sleeping: If you fall into a deep sleep where you’re unaware of things, your wudu becomes invalid.
  • Loss of Consciousness: If you faint or don’t know what’s happening around you, your wudu breaks too.

What do Muslims say before entering the bathroom?

Muslims say the specific dua before entering bathroom.

اللّٰهِ وَبِاللّٰهِ
اَعُوْذُ بِاللّٰهِ مِنَ الرِّجْسِ النَّجِسِ
الْخَبِيْثِ الْمُخْبِثِ
الشَّيْطَانِ الرَّجِيْمِ

Here’s the transliteration of the provided Arabic text:

Bismillahi wabi-llahi
A’oodhu billahi mina rrijsi n-najisi
Al-khabithi l-mukhbiti
Ash-shaytani r-rajim

Here’s the Dua for entering the bathroom in english of the provided Arabic text:

“Allah and by Allah,
I seek refuge in Allah from the impure male and female devils,
From the evil of what is filthy and impure,
And from the accursed devil.”

Can you make dua in the bathroom?

Yes, we can recite dua and say any dhikr or take Allah SWT’s name anywhere. In a Hadeeth, it is narrated that Prophet Musa once inquired of Allah, asking whether he could invoke Allah’s name when he felt hesitant. Allah responded to Musa: “O Musa, proclaim my name without hesitation, wherever you may be.”

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  • Arish Husain

    Assalam Alaikum beautiful people! someone who loves Prophet Muhammad and his family a lot. I like finding new ways to teach important stuff, so everyone can understand what Allah wants from us and His plans. We learn to listen for whispers from Allah, understand big plans, get ready for whatever Allah has for us, and try our best. I hope Allah's blessings guide us on this special journey.Allah hu Akbar!

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