6 Stunning Dua for patience in Islam

Dua for Patience: Oh Allah, the Most Merciful and Compassionate, we beseech You with the sincerest of hearts to grant us the gift of patience. You, the Glorified and Exalted, have made patience as firm as a horse that never stumbles and as effective as a sharp sword. Therefore, we recognize that it is the fundamental step towards victory; without patience, there can be no victory.

Oh Allah, we acknowledge that patience is mightier than any weapon. You, the Almighty, have bestowed upon the patient the honor of receiving Your support in this world and the Hereafter. You have made patience an essential quality of leadership.

The characteristics of patience are vast and profound, oh Allah. We understand that it is superior in every aspect for those who embrace it. As long as we remain patient and conscious of You, no evil scheme can harm us. Instead, it guides us toward glory, dignity, and success.

Oh Allah, we find solace in knowing that You, the Most High, have declared Your love for the patient. Grant us, oh Allah, the strength to embody this patience in our lives, and may it be a source of power and guidance for us always. We make this heartfelt dua in Your name, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Amen.

Dua for patience in arabic.

This is the dua for patience which is very effective.

Transliteration: “Wa lanabluwannakum bishay’in mina al-khawfi wal-joo’i wa naqsin mina al-amwali wal-anfusi wa ath-thamarat. Wa bashshir is-sabireen.”

“Indeed, We will certainly test you with fear, hunger, loss of wealth, lives, and fruits, but give glad tidings to those who patiently endure.”

Surah Al-Baqarah (Chapter 2), Verse 155

Prophet Muhammad’s test of faith: A lesson in patience and gratitude

Allah tested every Individual, even he tested his Prophet’s. For Instance, Prophet Muhammad began his prophethood when he reached the age of 40 years in 610 CE.

For the first few years of his life, he kept his preachings private to only close ones, such as his wife Khadija and his cousin Imam Ali. When Prophet Muhammad started preaching Islam publicly, he received resistance from the Quraysh tribe.

In 622 CE, the migration occurred, referred to as Hijra, when the Prophet migrated from Mecca to Medina, which was also a significant turning point in the spread of Islam. In Medina, the Prophet established a Muslim community and began to gain more followers from various tribes.

Similarly, in life, there are situations which falls into two categories: Those that brings joy and sorrow. When Allah SWT grants us joy it is esssential to recognize them as a test from ALlah that how we do in our good times and recognize them as blessings from the Almighty Allah.

We must verbally praise Allah Ta’ala for His generosity. Additionally, we should refrain from using these blessings for sinful purposes, such as spending wealth on un-Islamic customs or employing our strength, influence, and knowledge in ways that go against the Shariah. This is what we mean by practicing Shukr.

Then there are situations when we do not feel happy and it feels like unpleasant circumstances that bring anxiety and difficulty. But it is essential for us to understand that Allah SWT has a better plan and he only test those who are capable of it remember this always.

These hard situations are the part of divine plan of Allah SWT and at the end it will only be for our betterment in this world and hereafter.

And as Muslims our behaviour in any of the situation should be thankful to Allah for whatever he give us and we should be grateful to him showing patience. Afterall this is the divine plan which is the part of the Shariah’s and we should not allow negativity and worry to consume us. In the end, the most profound darkness often gives rise to the most brilliant stars.

Importance of patience (Sabr) in Islam.

The ultimate destination of every humankind is the Jannah, which Allah has promised to those who stay on the path of Islam and are obedient towards their creator. Being appreciative and staying on the true track takes a lot of work. Of course, we have to go through hardships in life and face challenges for being a Muslim. Allah has promised If we do what we have been asked to, our affairs of this world and hereafter will be solved by Him.

  • Those who adore the worldly life harm their Hereafter.
  • Those who love the Hereafter may face difficulties in this world but find satisfaction and order in their affairs.
  • The consequences of loving this world include:
    • Facing hardships and tribulations in the pursuit of worldly gains.
    • Grief in the grave due to missing the worldly life.
    • Ultimately, facing punishment in the Hereafter.
  • Preferring this world over the Hereafter is seen as a lack of sound judgment, as it prioritizes temporary pleasures over eternal rewards.
  • The world is described as transient and deceptive, like a fading shade or a mirage.
  • Quotes from various sources, including Ali Ibn Abi Talib, Ibn Mas’ud, and Jesus (peace be upon him), emphasize the ephemeral nature of worldly pursuits and the dangers of becoming enslaved by them.
  • A reminder is given that life on Earth is brief compared to the Hereafter, and one’s choices in this world have lasting consequences.

Does sabr mean patience?

The word Sabr is an Arabic word that means Patience, restriction, and detention. The Arabic word ‘Sabr’ holds a profound and essential meaning. It signifies the act of patiently enduring trials and tribulations, refraining from despair or panic, and resisting the urge to express extreme grief, such as tearing one’s clothes.

‘Sabr’ is a classical term deeply embedded in Islamic teachings, found in the Glorious Quran, Hadith (sayings and actions of Prophet Muhammad), and even in Arabic poetry.

In the Quran, we encounter the following verse, which emphasizes the virtue of patience:

‘So be patient. Indeed, the promise of Allah is truth.’ (Al-Rum: 60)

How do you stay patient?

Being patient in hard times is challenging for most of us. This is from my experience, and Allah loves that when we try our best. I had been in situations where I left my bad habits for four months, and that’s it again. I fell into the same thing bad habit again. I now ask Allah if I refrain from this habit, then I want you to give me this (Anything you want in your life).

Follow these steps to stay patient.

  • Perform dhikr by saying “Astagfirullah” as often as possible throughout the day.
  • Always be grateful to Allah no matter what the situation you are in. Indeed, Allah knows the best of secrets.
  • When having evil thoughts, say, “A’udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajim,” which translates to “I seek refuge with Allah from the accursed devil.” This is a powerful statement to seek protection from Satan’s harm.
  • The best of All is to be in Ablution (Wudu) every time.
  • Perform Salah on time and never cry in hardship. If you feel like crying, call in front of the Almighty Allah. He alone can solve every problem and make you succeed in this life and hereafter.
  • Make a habit of reciting the Holy Quran daily, at least a page, and understand it or at least one verse.
  • There might be days when you will be a righteous Muslim doing every obligatory thing in Islam, and there can also be a day when you commit one sin, and your whole habit can be destroyed. So, always begin with less and go towards more.
  • Do recite this dua for patience every morning from Surah Al-Baqarah (Chapter 2), verse 155:

Dua for strength and patience in Islam.

“Imam al-Baqir (peace be upon him) taught this dua for patience: When you face something frightening or difficult in life, you can turn toward the direction of the Kaaba and perform a two-unit prayer. After completing the prayer, recite this supplication seventy times while making your requests at the end of each repetition.”

يَا اَبْصَرَ النَّاظِرِيْنَ
يَا اَسْمَعَ السَّامِعِيْنَ
يَا اَسْرَعَ الْحَاسِبِيْنَ
يَا اَرْحَمَ الرَّاحِمِيْنَ۔‏

“The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) once said: If you ever find yourself in distress, sorrow, anxiety, or facing a difficult situation, you can recite the following statement:”

اَللهُ رَبِّىْ لَا اُشْرِكُ بِهٖ شَيْئًا
تَوَكَّلْتُ عَلَى الْحَىِّ‏ الَّذِىْ لَا يَمُوْتُ۔

Can you increase your patience in Islam?

Yes, patience in Islam has been given immense Importance. It can be Increased with the constant dhikr of Allah and asking the almighty Allah to get rid of wishful thinking, constantly performing Dhikr by saying “Astaghfirullah.”

Whoever trains to be patient, Allah will help him to be patient.

“Verily, Allah is with those who demonstrate patience.” (Quran, Surah Al-Baqarah, 2:153)

“The religious motivation that can help control our desires is patience. One can achieve self-control through consistent patience, leading to victory in this world and the hereafter. Allah describes these individuals as those who declare, ‘Our Lord is Allah.’

Angels also consoled them during their death, receiving the good news of paradise and Allah’s protection in this life and the hereafter (Quran, Fussilat: 30-31).

On the contrary, religious motivation is misplaced when desires overpower one’s faith. Such individuals may surrender to negative influences led by their passions.

They might become followers of the devil or even serve the devil themselves, as seen in those who reject Allah and prioritize the worldly life over the Hereafter due to a lack of patience.

These individuals are characterized by deception, dishonesty, false hopes, laziness in performing good deeds, a desire for a long worldly life, and a preference for the material world over the spiritual. The Prophet (peace be upon him) described them as follows.”

What is dua for peace and tranquility?

The below given dua for patience in Islam and tranquility is very effective.

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِیْمِ۔
اَللُّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلٰی مُحَمَّدٍ وَ اَهْلِ بَیْتِهِ الطَّیِّبِیْنَ، وَ عَجِّلْ فَرَجَهُمْ۔
اَسْاَلُكَ اَنْ تُصَلِّیَ عَلٰی مُحَمَّدٍ وَ اٰلِهٖ، وَ اَنْ تُفَرِّجَ عَنْ مُحَمَّدٍ وَ اٰلِهٖ۔



Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa aali baytihi at-tayyibeena, wa ‘ajjil farajahum.

As’aluka an tusalliya ‘ala Muhammadin wa aalihi, wa an tufarrija ‘an Muhammadin wa aalihi.


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

O Allah, bestow Your blessings upon Muhammad and his pure family, and expedite their deliverance.

I beseech You to shower Your blessings upon Muhammad and his family, and to grant relief to Muhammad and his family.

What are the three types of Sabr?

Patience is of two types: Physical and Psychological patience. Each can be optional or obligatory; hence, we have four types of patience in Islam .

There are four distinct types of patience in Islam :

  1. Voluntary Physical patience in Islam:  involves willingly enduring physically demanding tasks, such as strenuous labor.
  2. Compulsory Physical patience in Islam: This type of patience pertains to enduring physical discomfort or pain, such as injuries, illnesses, extreme weather conditions, or bodily harm.
  3. Voluntary Psychological patience in Islam  refers to self-control exercised in refraining from engaging in harmful behavior that contradicts one’s moral or rational beliefs.
  4. Compulsory Psychological patience in Islam: This involves enduring the emotional pain of being separated from loved ones who are out of reach.

Qatada once stated,

“Allah has created angels with reason, and they maintain patience for obligatory things like animals do, but they do not exercise optional patience.”

He continued,

“Allah has created angels with reason but devoid of desires; animals possess desires but lack reason, and humans have both reason and desires. Therefore, if an individual’s reason prevails over their desires, they resemble angels. Conversely, if desires overpower reason, they resemble animals.”

During infancy, a human requires nothing but nourishment, and their patience at this stage is akin to an animal’s. However, as they grow older, their capacity for voluntary patience strengthens. As their sexual desires emerge, so does their capacity for reasoning.

It is during this period that they begin to comprehend the concept of voluntary patience. However, pure patience alone cannot deter them from gratifying their desires. They contemplate their interests in this life and the Hereafter, guided by Allah’s wisdom and understanding of life’s purpose.

They become conscious of the consequences of their actions and the rewards they may receive. Just as warriors equip and defend themselves in battle, they should similarly prepare to overcome worldly desires and interests.

What is the Dua for ease during difficult times?

A Narration from Imam al-Sadiq (peace be upon him):

It is reported that when Prophet Joseph (peace be upon him) was cast into the well by his brothers, Archangel Gabriel came to him and inquired, “O young boy, what brings you here?”

Joseph responded, “My siblings have thrown me into this pit.”
“Do you desire to be rescued from here?” queried the archangel.

Joseph responded, “That is in the hands of Allah, the Almighty and All-Majestic. If it is His will, He will deliver me.”

The archangel then conveyed a message from Allah, saying, “Allah, the Most Exalted, instructs you that if you supplicate to Him with this prayer, He will indeed rescue you from this well.”

Joseph asked, “What is this supplication?”

Archangel Gabriel then taught him the following prayer:
Subsequently, a caravan arrived and lifted Prophet Joseph out of the well, just as the Holy Quran has narrated.

Dua for patience in Arabic (sabr).

What Allah says about overthinking?

Allah has a plan; put your trust in Allah, and everything will be alright (Inshallah). In Surah Al-Baqarah (2:216), it is said: “Sometimes you might not like something, but it can turn out to be good for you. And there may be things you love, but they may not be in your best interest. Allah knows, and you do not know.” 

Muslims are encouraged to turn to Allah and seek His guidance and assistance. In Surah Al-Baqarah (2:186), it is mentioned: “And when My servants ask you about Me, I am near. I respond to the call of the one who calls upon Me.”

Prayer and Patience: Muslims are advised to engage in regular prayer (Salat) and practice patience (Sabr) when facing difficulties or uncertainty. Numerous verses in the Quran highlight the importance of patience and prayer as a means of finding solace.

Which names of Allah to recite for patience in Islam?

Read more about the hidden wisdom behind 99 names of allah.

Name of Allah (Asma-ul-Husna)Meaning
Al-SaburThe Patient One
Al-HalimThe Forbearing One
Al-AleemThe All-Knowing One
Al-HakeemThe Wise One
Al-QadirThe All-Powerful One
Al-MujibThe Responsive One
Al-RazzaqThe Provider One
Al-KareemThe Generous One
Al-GhaffarThe Forgiving One
Al-RaheemThe Most Merciful One


  • Arish Husain

    Assalam Alaikum beautiful people! someone who loves Prophet Muhammad and his family a lot. I like finding new ways to teach important stuff, so everyone can understand what Allah wants from us and His plans. We learn to listen for whispers from Allah, understand big plans, get ready for whatever Allah has for us, and try our best. I hope Allah's blessings guide us on this special journey.Allah hu Akbar!

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