Is Crab Haram? A comprehensive guide on crab consumption!

Is crab haram? Yes crab is haram in Islam and in this post we will find out why it is Haram.

Being a Muslim, it is essential to practice halal dietary guidelines. There are certified halal and haram foods, but foods like Crab are a bit more ambiguous. One such food that has been a source of confusion for our Muslim Ummah is Crab halal. 

According to Islamic law, a halal diet focuses on consuming pure and wholesome foods. The primary reason for any food considered Haram is that it harms health. For example, Pork is Haram because it can transmit disease. Some diseases that can be transmitted after consuming pork are Trichinosis, Taeniasis, and hepatitis.

Eating Crab is Haram based on the Quran, Scholar’s views, and the side effects of consuming Crab. These aspects are presented to you if you wish to read further. 

In other words, if we look at the consequences of consuming Crab are high cholesterol levels, high metal toxicity, and bacterial infections. Though following proper cooking hygiene while preparing the food may reduce these side effects, it is not always true for everybody.

Key Takeaways.

  • Eating Crab is Haram.
  • Crab has many side effects on health, such as gout and high blood pressure can damage the liver and kidneys.
  • Sunni scholars consider Crab halal for consumption as it is not explicitly mentioned as Haram in the Quran.
  • According to Shia Scholars, all aquatic animals except fish with fins and scales and crustaceans like shrimp are considered Haram.

Other potential side effects of consuming Crab.

As we all know, sea foods are healthy and contain immense amounts of nutritious value, but at the same time, some seafood has high levels of contaminants that can affect health, such as in Crab. 

Overeating Crabs can lead to gout as purines found in Crab can be converted into uric acid.

High risk of blood pressure because crab meat contains sodium, and excessive sodium intake is not suitable for the heart and kidneys.
Crab meat contains vast amounts of protein, and excessive protein intake can result in digestive problems such as bloating and gas.

Exploring the significance of halal and haram.

It is essential to follow halal dietary guidelines for all Muslims. Things considered beneficial, wholesome, and not harmful to human beings are halal.

This includes food and drinks that are made according to Islamic law and avoiding those that are prohibited. By doing so, we believe that we are fulfilling Allah’s commandments and living according to his will. 

Most of the food is clearly mentioned, whether it is halal or Haram, but some, such as Crab, are a bit more ambiguous. Is it halal Crab? In addition, eating halal is believed to have physical, emotional, and spiritual benefits.

For example, it promotes good health, strengthens the body and mind, and helps to develop a closer relationship with Allah. 

Moreover, Islam places a great emphasis on the ethical treatment of animals. Animals that are slaughtered for consumption must be treated with compassion and care, and their slaughter must be done humanely. This ensures that the meat is halal and Tayyib (pure, wholesome, and ethically sourced).

Haram (Forbidden) means things Allah Swt has prohibited and considered sinful. It is the opposite of halal (permissible), allowing Muslims to do or consume.Halal means things that Allah Swt has allowed Muslims to do or consume. Halal surrounds all aspects of day-to-day life, such as food, drink, clothing, etc. It is the opposite of Haram, which means forbidden or sinful things.

The Significance of Halal Adherence and Avoidance of Haram.

According to the beliefs of Shia scholars and ulema, Allah (Swt) has given us laws that are based on their benefits or their ability to prevent harm. For example, if something is made mandatory, it is because it has significant benefits, and if it is recommended, it has benefits that are not as important.

Similarly, if something is forbidden, it is because it has harmful consequences, and if it is discouraged, it means that its adverse effects are not very severe.

When we talk about benefits or harms, we are not just referring to worldly matters but also considering all aspects of human existence. The idea is that Allah (Swt) has given us these laws to help us live our lives in the best way possible and to achieve our ultimate goal, which is to please Him and to attain success in the hereafter.

Therefore, when something is permissible (mubah), it means it neither has significant benefits nor significant harm. Ultimately, following these laws aims to attain success and fulfillment in all aspects of our lives, including our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

However, religion and its laws aim to make Muslims good people and build them spiritually and in knowledge. Even if we don’t understand why we must do certain things, we should still follow them because we trust that they come from infallible individuals with flawless knowledge.

It’s like how we trust a doctor’s prescription, even if we need to understand precisely why they prescribed a particular drug. As believers, we know that following religious commands and laws will help us achieve our ultimate goal of pleasing Allah (Swt) and attaining success hereafter.

Quranic Verses On the Consumption of Crab in Islam.

According to Quran 5:96, you can consume seafood and its produce as sustenance, whether you are a traveler or not. However, hunting of land animals is prohibited during the pilgrimage. It is essential to fear Allah as you will all be gathered before Him.

According to Quran 5:3, specific foods, including carrion, blood, pork, and any animal on which a name other than Allah has been invoked, are prohibited for consumption.

In Quran 6:145, it is stated that only a few things are forbidden as food for consumption. These include meat that has died on its own, blood, pork and any food item that has been dedicated to other than Allah. It is important to note that any such consumption is considered a transgression.

According to Quran 6:121, not consuming food items not dedicated to Allah Swt is imperative. Such an act is considered a transgression, and it is necessary to take Allah’s name before consuming any food to avoid this wrongdoing.

Quran 6:121 warns against consuming any food item not dedicated to Allah Swt. Such an act is considered a transgression and must be avoided by mentioning Allah’s name while eating.

And (He has made) the sea subservient (to you), that you eat thereof fresh flesh, and that you bring forth ornaments which you wear out of it. (Surah Al-Nahl 16:14).

Hadiths related to Food consumption in Islam.

Jabir describes a story about three hundred soldiers sent by the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) to ambush a Quraish caravan. During their mission, The soldiers were met with a situation where they had nothing to eat. As a result of their extreme hunger, the warriors were forced to consume desert bushes, which is why the name “Army of Al Khabat” was given to them.

However, their situation changed when a giant fish called Al-Anbar was tossed out ashore, and the whole army could eat it for two weeks.

They utilized the fat of the large fish to nourish their bodies, and Abu ‘Ubaida even used one of its ribs to provide shade over the ground. Although one of the soldiers had resorted to slaughtering six camels due to the intensity of their hunger, Abu ‘Ubaida prohibited him from doing so after the initial three.

The Prophet Muhammad said there are two categories of deceased animals and two kinds of blood. That is lawful for Muslims to consume. The dead animals are seafood and locusts; the two blood types are from the liver and spleen.

Sunan Abu Dawud – This Hadith narrates that the Prophet Muhammad said, “The water is pure, and nothing makes it impure except that which changes its taste, color, and smell.” This Hadith emphasizes the purity of water and allows for consuming seafood from it.

Musnad Ahmad – The reference “2/97” may refer to a Hadith that states, We have been permitted to consume two types of dead animals and two types of blood. The two types of dead meat are fish and locusts, and the two types of blood are liver and spleen.” This Hadith clarifies that certain types of seafood, specifically fish, are permissible for consumption in Islam.

Sunan Ibn Majah – The reference “no: 3314” may refer to a Hadith that narrates the Prophet Muhammad’s companions asked him about the legality of consuming sea animals, to which he replied, “Its water is pure, and it’s dead are lawful.” This Hadith further emphasizes the permissibility of seafood consumption in Islam and highlights the purity of water in which sea animals live.

The opinion of Islamic scholars is Crab haram. 

It is forbidden to eat the meat of beasts of prey having fangs. 5530. Narrated Abu Tha’labah, Allah Swt Messenger (Prophet Muhammad ﷺ) forbade eating the meat of beasts of prey having fangs. 

There is a narration attributed to Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq, the 6th Shia Imam, which states:

Whatever is caught alive from the sea is permissible, except for what dies therein and floats, or what comes out dead, such as a crab, a frog, and a turtle” (Al-Kafi, vol. 6, p. 422).

The conclusion is Crab haram.

Some scholars believe that Crab can be eaten (halal) like other seafood mentioned in the Quran. But, other scholars say it is not allowed (haram) because it has toxins and is not considered fish because it does not have fins and scales.

Though Crabs don’t have fangs, they do have a pair of pincers that they use to catch their prey. The claws have shart tips, but it is not likely to be considered fangs. After going through all the Quran’s hadiths and verses, I would consider this haram.

In Islam, it is recommended to avoid doing something if you have doubts about its permissibility or legality. The principle is derived from a Hadith of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), where he said to avoid things that create doubt and stick to those things that do not create doubt. The Hadith is reported in Tirmidhi.

Must read.


  • Arish Husain

    Assalam Alaikum beautiful people! someone who loves Prophet Muhammad and his family a lot. I like finding new ways to teach important stuff, so everyone can understand what Allah wants from us and His plans. We learn to listen for whispers from Allah, understand big plans, get ready for whatever Allah has for us, and try our best. I hope Allah's blessings guide us on this special journey.Allah hu Akbar!

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