Ramadan mubarak: A guide to making this ramadan memorable and special

Ramadan Mubarak to you and your loved one’s! May this holy month of Ramadan bring peace, blessings, and spiritual growth.

Ramadan is a month of great spiritual significance for Muslims worldwide. It is a time of self-reflection, devotion, worshiping Allah, and soul purification. It is a time of spiritual improvement, self-reflection, and commitment to Allah.

I am aware of people who follow this routine in their day-to-day life, but some people like me have been so indulged in this worldly life and have forgotten all the essential duties of a Muslim to live a blessed life.

However, I have prepared whole week goals for anyone who wishes to make the most of this blessed month, “Ramadan Mubarak.”

Preparing for Ramadan:

ThursdayOffer Namaz-e-Shab.Recite the Quran daily, and reflect on its meaning and wisdom.Read a book on personal development, such as “The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.
FridayAttend Islamic lecture.Recite Quran daily, with an emphasis on understanding its translation and reflecting on its meaning.Reflect on your blessings and say Shukr-Alhamdulillah.
SaturdayRecite Dua Kumayl.Do a home workout.Seek knowledge and wisdom through reading and learning about the teachings of Islam.
SundayMemorize a dua or surah.Eat a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables to nourish the body during non-fasting hours.Give to charity, even if it’s a small amount, and do it with a pure intention of pleasing Allah.
MondayEngage in Dhikr (remembrance of Allah) through recitation of different supplications and prayers.Volunteer time and resources to help those in need in your community.Practice Gratitude.
TuesdayHelp others and engage in acts of kindness, generosity, and compassion.Take a break from technology and social media to promote mental clarity and focus.Regularly engage in self-reflection and introspection, and seek forgiveness from Allah for one’s shortcomings and mistakes.
WednesdayPractice self-control and discipline by fasting regularly.Reflect on your goals for the month of Ramadan and set intentions for the week ahead.Plan and set goals for Eid.

Fasting During Ramadan:

Fasting during Ramadan is one of Islam’s five pillars, mandatory for every adult Muslim. There are numerous benefits of fasting, and to provide more clarity on this matter, I have studied a few books and research papers to provide you with more detail on this matter.

Spiritual purification: fasting in Ramadan is a means of commitment and increasing devotion towards Allah.

Physical benefits: it has been scientifically proven that fasting has numerous health benefits, such as 

  • Improved blood circulation: helps in insulin sensitivity which prevents type 2 diabetes. (source)
  • Detoxification of the body.
  • Weight loss.
  • Reduced inflammation can help prevent heart disease.
  • Increased autophagy: this is the process in which the body cleans up the dead cells and creates new ones.

Mental benefits: researchers have been studying fasting extensively for the last couple of years and have investigated its mental effect. Here are some of the cognitive benefits of fasting.

  • Improved cognitive function: it is proven that fasting helps to improve cognitive functions, including memory and concentration.
  • Reduced depression and anxiety: A study in which it is mentioned that fasting helped Muslim participants in reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression.
  • Enhanced mood: fasting can enhance mood, which means it helps in reducing negative emotions such as anger, tension, and confusion.
  • Improved stress response: it helps the body in stress response.

Increased resilience: it has been proven in this study that fasting has been shown to increase strength or the ability to cope with stress.

Ramdan Mubarak wishes

Tips for making fasting easier.

Yes, fasting can be challenging for some people because of their health and work conditions. I have drafted several strategies to make fasting more manageable and comfortable.

Stay hydrated: drinking about 15.5 cups (3.7) liters of fluids for men and 11.5 cups, 2.7 liters daily for women is recommended. You can also drink herbal tea and non-caloric beverages.

Plan your meals: plan your meals, or you can follow the above diet chart before the fasting period to ensure your body gets enough nutritious food. This will help you fast, and you will not get hunger pangs and will feel fuller for longer.

Stay Busy: keeping yourself engaged in work would help kill time faster. Hence it is advisable to do something productive.

Sleep well: getting enough sleep is as essential to your body as diet and exercise because good sleep improves brain performance, health, and mood.

DaySuhurIftarSnackBefore bed
1Oatmeal with almond milk.
nuts, and berries .
Two boiled eggs.
Sliced apple.
Glass of water.
Lentil soup Grilled chicken breast
with grilled vegetables Quinoa salad with tomatoes
cucumber, and avocado.
Slice of watermelon.
Glass of water or unsweetened herbal tea.
Mixed nuts
Glass of water or unsweetened herbal tea
Low-fat yogurt with chopped fruit and honey
Glass of water or unsweetened herbal tea
2Whole grain toast with avocado and sliced tomato
Green smoothie (spinach, banana, almond milk, chia seeds)
Glass of water
Tomato soup
Grilled fish with roasted vegetables (carrots, sweet potatoes, broccoli)
Quinoa tabbouleh
Fruit salad (orange, kiwi, grapes)
Glass of water or unsweetened herbal tea
Hummus with raw vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, bell peppers)
Glass of water or unsweetened herbal tea
Low-fat cottage cheese with pineapple chunks
Glass of water or unsweetened herbal tea
3Scrambled eggs with spinach and whole grain toast
Orange slices
Glass of water
Vegetable soup
Grilled tofu with stir-fried vegetables (bok choy, mushrooms, onions)
Brown rice
Fruit salad (strawberries, blueberries, mango)
Glass of water or unsweetened herbal tea
Greek yogurt with mixed berries
Glass of water or unsweetened herbal tea
Mixed fruit salad (pineapple, papaya, grapes)
Glass of water or unsweetened herbal tea
4Chia seed pudding with sliced almonds and berries
Green tea
Glass of water
Split pea soup
Grilled chicken skewers with roasted vegetables (zucchini, eggplant, bell peppers)
Bulgur pilaf
Fruit salad (watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew)
Glass of water or unsweetened herbal tea
Raw almonds
Glass of water or unsweetened herbal tea
Low-fat yogurt with sliced banana
Glass of water or unsweetened herbal tea
5Smoothie bowl (banana, mango, spinach, almond milk)
Glass of water
Minestrone soup
Grilled salmon with asparagus
Quinoa salad with chickpeas, cucumber, and tomato
Mixed fruit salad (grapefruit, orange, pomegranate)
Glass of water or unsweetened herbal tea
Trail mix (dried fruit, nuts, seeds)
Glass of water or unsweetened herbal tea
Low-fat cottage cheese with mixed berries
Glass of water or unsweetened herbal tea
6Whole grain pancakes with banana slices and honey
Glass of water
Vegetable stir-fry with tempeh
Brown rice
Bean salad with tomato, red onion, and cilantro
Fruit salad (grapes, kiwi, pear)
Glass of water or unsweetened herbal tea.
Raw vegetables (carrots, celery, cherry tomatoes)
Glass of water or unsweetened herbal tea.
Low-fat Greek yogurt with sliced peaches
Glass of water or unsweetened herbal tea
7Sweet potato hash with turkey sausage
Green smoothie (kale, banana, almond milk, peanut butter)
Glass of water
Vegetable soup
Grilled beef kebabs with grilled vegetables (zucchini, bell peppers, onions)
Bulgur pilaf
Mixed fruit salad (apple, pear, mango)
Glass of water or unsweetened herbal tea
Raw carrots and hummus
Glass of water or unsweetened herbal tea
Low-fat cottage cheese with sliced pear
Glass of water or unsweetened herbal tea

Following a proper diet routine is essential during Ramadan because it helps maintain health and prevent potential health complications. I have created a balanced diet chart, especially for young adults, to help them keep their energy longer. This diet plan will surely help your body maintain body energy levels, and it will also help in the body’s detoxification process.

“O you who believe, fasting has been prescribed for you as it was prescribed for those before you, so that you may develop piety.”

(Quran 2:183)

Prayer and worship during Ramadan Mubarak.

This holiest time of the year, “Ramadan Mubarak,” is the best time for any Muslim to increase their spiritual awareness and seek guidance from Allah (swt) toward righteousness.

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “The person who observes fasting during Ramadan with sincere faith and with the intention of seeking Allah’s (swt) blessings will have all of his previous sins forgiven.”

Imam Ali a.s said: “Ramadan is a month of training, where the believer’s soul is strengthened, and his determination is tested. It is a month of spiritual struggle, where one strives to purify his heart and draw closer to Allah (swt).”

Incorporating more prayers and worship in day-to-day life during Ramadan Mubarak includes:

Reciting Quran: Muslims worldwide are encouraged to recite at least one Juz (chapter) of the Quran every day and understand the real meaning of the Quran. This way, the entire Quran will be completed by the end of Ramadan Mubarak.

Attending communal Iftar: it is advisable to participate in communal iftars to strengthen the bonds and increase their spiritual connection.

Performing Namaz-e-Shab: Namaz-e-shab is an 11 Rakats prayer that can be offered anytime after the Isha prayer and before Fajr. Many scholars worldwide consider this prayer the most potent blessing a Muslim can offer. I pray this Namaz-e-shab every day, and the benefits I have seen are immense and can’t be described in words.

Giving Back During Ramadan (charity):

Ramadan Mubarak is a month of spiritual reflection, prayer, and charitable acts. One of the most common ways of giving charity is Zakat. 

Zakat (zakat calculator) is among the five pillars of Islam, and thus, it is almost mandatory everywhere. There are families in war-torn countries such as Yemen, Palestine, and Syria, where families do not have a steady income. That’s why it is the duty of Muslims to help them in whatever way they can.

Volunteer at a food bank: To contribute to the society and assist people in need, volunteering at a nearby food bank is an excellent option.

Organizing the community Iftar: feeding the fasting person is one of the means to have your sins forgiven. Organizing an Iftar helps strengthen community bonds. It is an opportunity for people to come together and socialize.

Make This Ramadan Memorable and Special:

Decorate your home: enhance your home with a Ramadan theme is a great idea to enhance your mood and create a festive and celebratory atmosphere.

Hang Lanterns: lanterns are a traditional symbol and can create a warm, inviting atmosphere.

Create Ramadan Mubarak Centerpiece: A beautiful centerpiece can be the focal point of your Ramadan decor. Consider creating a centerpiece with candles, flowers, and Islamic calligraphy.

Display Islamic Calligraphy: Islamic calligraphy is a beautiful art form that can be used to decorate your home during Ramadan. You could display calligraphy on the walls or as part of your Ramadan centerpiece.


Though fasting during Ramadan, Mubarak is only suitable for some because of health conditions. In that matter, it is better you must seek Islamic scholar guidance. Ramadan Mubarak is a month of great importance to Muslims, and Allah has kept numerous blessings for those who fast and pray during this holy month.


  • Arish Husain

    Assalam Alaikum beautiful people! someone who loves Prophet Muhammad and his family a lot. I like finding new ways to teach important stuff, so everyone can understand what Allah wants from us and His plans. We learn to listen for whispers from Allah, understand big plans, get ready for whatever Allah has for us, and try our best. I hope Allah's blessings guide us on this special journey.Allah hu Akbar!

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