Dua before eating in Islam is Bismillah: Prophet’s (ﷺ) Sunnah

Dua before eating is the name of Allah (the most merciful); we say, Bismillah. Eating is also a social and cultural activity, and thus Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) taught people how to eat appropriately and the Dua before eating. The messenger of Allah taught us the importance of proper etiquette when eating in a group or alone.

Let’s delve deeper into this blog post; we will discuss eating etiquette, Dua before eating, Quran verses mentioning food, sayings of our Prophet (ﷺ) and Imam Ali Pbuh, and the dua after eating. There is also one dua when you forget to say any dua before you start eating, and you have already started eating. Then there is another Dua to say with an excellent example from Prophet Muhammad’s (ﷺ) life.

Key Takeaways

  • Begin with the Name of Allah by saying (Bismillah).
  • Say Bismillãhi ، Awwalahu wa akhirahu for those who forgot to say bismillah and have already started eating.
  • Eat in Moderation.
  • Share Food with Others. 
  • Eat with others.
  • Eat what is halal (permissible).
  • Say this dua after eating Allahumma Barik Lana Fiha Wa Abdilna Bayhi Khayr Aminho.

Start with Bismillah:

Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) always started eating by saying Bismillah (In the name of Allah). Bismillah is recommended before engaging in any activity, and some also believe it is said initially to ward off evil spirits.

Dua before eating or saying just Bismillah is sufficient? What is the story behind it? Let’s find out. It was narrated from Hudhaifa (one of the Sahaba companions of the Prophet) that when we used to be Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) out of his respect, no one would stretch forth his hands first. 

But once we were going to eat with him, suddenly a Bedouin (nomadic Arab) came rushing and stretched forth his hands towards the food, but the messenger of Allah took hold of his hand. Soon after, a young girl came running as if she were chased. She went to stretch forth her hand, but the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) took hold of her hand.

Then the messenger of Allah said: the Shaitan (Iblis) considers food permitted for himself if the name of Allah is not mentioned over it. Iblis brought a Bedouin and a young girl so that the food might become permissible for himself through them.

Dua, after eating food

It was narrated from Aisha that Prophet (ﷺ) said always mention the name of Allah before eating if one of you forgets to mention the name of Allah at the start, let him say: 

Bismillãhi ، Awwalahu wa akhirahu

Two Types of Eating are Prohibited by the Messenger of Allah

Jafar bin Burqan mentioned that the Messenger of Allah forbade two types of eating one where Khamr (intoxicant) is kept on the table or being drunk and second eating when lying on the stomach.

2 Dua after eating edited

Consuming Food From the Uppermost Layer of the Platter

Ibn Abbas narrated that the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said that you should not take food from the top of the platter when you eat. Instead, starting from the bottom of the platter would be best. This is because the blessings come down from top to bottom of the platter. Thus, eating from the bottom is advisable; if you think about it this way, you will still get the fresh part in the end, whereas if you start from the top, the bottom will get defiled.

Use the right hand:

According to Umar bin Salamah, the Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) gave some advice on the etiquette of eating. The Prophet (ﷺ) said when we eat, we should say Bismillah first, and then we always eat or drink with our right hand because Shaitan (Iblis) eats and drinks with his left hand. 

Prophet Muhammad’s (ﷺ) life was an example to his Ummah; he always ate with his right hand, and he advised the same for his Ummah as well.

Eat with three fingers:

Ka’b bin Malik reported that he saw Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) eating with his three fingers (the index finger, the thumb, and the middle finger). Upon completion of the food, he licked his fingers before washing them. These three fingers are also the cleanest and easy to control.

Eat in moderation:

There are several reasons from an Islamic perspective why we should eat in moderation, such as Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) always emphasizing the importance of eating in moderation. The Prophet said the son of Adam (Pbuh) does not fill any container worse than their stomach. 

Thus it is enough for the son of Adam Pbuh to eat less to satisfy his hunger, avoid laziness, and prevent health problems. It is recommended that a person eat less in a way where one-third is food, one-third for breath, and one-third for water.

Overeating has many physical and spiritual drawbacks. Overeating leads to laziness, reduces productivity, and sometimes can lead to sinful behavior.

Eat together:

The Prophet (ﷺ) encouraged eating together as a family or with friends. If there is enough food for two people, you should invite a third person; if you have enough food for four people, you should invite five or six people.

It is believed that there is a special blessing from Allah when people come together to share their food. Eating together promotes unity, strengthens relationships, and fosters a sense of family.


As per our Prophet (ﷺ), our religion teaches us to have a clean and pious mind and heart. Islam and its teachings greatly emphasize cleanliness in both the physical and spiritual views. It is advisable to clean your hands before and after the meals and their mouths and teeth after every meal. Allah swt rewards a person who cleans his body, clothes, and house.

“Allah loves those who seek His guidance and struggle to keep their characters pure and clean.” (Quote from Quran 2:22

Thank Allah:

If you thank Allah for his favors, then Allah will increase the favors and bless your life. There are numerous blessings that we cannot count. That is why it is essential to thank Allah for whatever you possess in this world, such as Health, wealth, and intellectual abilities.

Indeed the Shaitan is an enemy to humans, and Shaitan’s primary mission is to make human beings forget Allah and be ungrateful.

Thus Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said to always thank Allah for every blessing, not only for making dua after eating. He advised his Ummah to say Alhamdulillah (All praise is due to Allah).

I have mentioned a few verses from the Quran that emphasizes the importance of the etiquette of eating, drinking, and thanking Allah. Here are some of the verses.

Quran Verse on dua for eating

I have mentioned a few verses from the Quran that emphasizes the importance of the etiquette of eating, drinking, and thanking Allah. Here are some of the verses.

“Consume the good things that We have provided for your sustenance, but do not indulge in excess, as My wrath may rightfully descend upon you. Those who are subjected to My wrath will surely perish.” (Surah Taha, 20:81)

This verse emphasizes the importance of eating in moderation. This verse reminds Muslims to eat in moderation. Indeed, Allah cautions against excess eating. You have to be grateful for the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon us and be mindful of your actions.

“Consume the food that Allah has provided for you, which is both permissible and wholesome. However, always be conscious of Allah, in Whom you have faith.” (Surah Al-Ma’idah, 5:88)

This verse encourages us (Muslims) to eat only from lawful things that Allah has provided us, and they should also fear Allah. Meaning they should be conscious of what they are consuming.

“Do not claim that something is lawful or forbidden based on falsehoods that you speak with your tongues. This would be ascribing false things to Allah, and those who do so will not succeed.” (Surah An-Nahl, 16:116)

This verse reminds us not to say what our tongues claim of untruth (do not falsely label food as halal or haram). Indeed those who create falsehoods about Allah will not succeed.

“If you have faith in Allah’s signs, then consume meat that has been slaughtered with the pronouncement of His name” (Surah Al-An’am, 6:118)

This verse emphasizes the importance of remembering the name of Allah when an animal is slaughtered. The name of Allah should be invoked during the process. Then if you are among the believers, you can eat that meat.

And those who had homes in Medina and had accepted the Faith before them displayed their love towards those who migrated to them and sought their protection. They did not covet whatever had been given to the migrants and instead preferred them over themselves even though they were in need. Those who were saved from their own selfish desires are the ones who truly attain success.” (Surah Al-Hashr, 59:9)

This specific verse calls attention to the significance of sharing the food with others, family or friends, and being generous. Islam teaches us that we should be willing to give preference to others over ourselves, even if we require that.

Imam Ali saying’s on the etiquette of eating.

Imam Ali Pbuh was very close to Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) regarding relationship and spiritual connection. Imam Ali was a cousin to Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and a son-in-law, as he married his daughter Fatima Pbuh.

However, Imam Ali has also emphasized the importance of appropriate etiquette when dining and remembering the Almighty. Here I have mentioned some of the sayings of Imam Ali Pbuh on this matter.

  • Always start your meal in the name of Allah (Saying Bismillah), eat with your right hand, and when you are finished eating, praise Allah for the favor he has bestowed upon you, your family, and your friends.
  • Only begin eating once you are extremely hungry, and continue eating until you are pleased because if you overeat, you will fall sick, and if you eat too less, you will become weak.
  • Prefer not to eat alone; try not to sit with those who talk too much or loudly because this is against good manners.
  • Chew your food well and eat slowly because it is healthier for your body and more pleasing to Allah.
  • Do not waste food, and never take more than you can eat because it is a sin in the eye of Allah.


These were some of the sayings and verses from the Quran and books that emphasize the importance of gratitude for the food and other blessings Allah has bestowed upon us. Eating is not just a physical act to gain energy to be active but also a spiritual act.

Before meals, I thank Allah for all the blessings and ask Allah to grant me the energy from this food that must be spent in worshiping you.

I would appreciate your comments below and asking me questions or sharing your thoughts!



  • Arish Husain

    Assalam Alaikum beautiful people! someone who loves Prophet Muhammad and his family a lot. I like finding new ways to teach important stuff, so everyone can understand what Allah wants from us and His plans. We learn to listen for whispers from Allah, understand big plans, get ready for whatever Allah has for us, and try our best. I hope Allah's blessings guide us on this special journey.Allah hu Akbar!

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