Here are the 10 best ways to say Jazakallah khair and reply

In Arabic Islamic culture, “Jazakallah khair” is often used to express gratitude. “Jazakallah” means “May Allah give you,” it’s typically said at the end of a conversation or when someone does a good deed. “Jazakallah Khair” means “May Allah reward you with goodness.”

In Islam, we believe in the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), according to which If someone does something kind for us, we greet them by thanking Allah and asking for the exact good wishes by saying “جزاك الله” (pronounced “Jazak Allah“). This response means that Allah will reward you for your kindness, and it’s a way of showing appreciation.

Islam is the greatest gift from Allah, setting humanity and the Jin apart. It’s the final religion, chosen by Allah as the last among all the religions.

So, it’s our responsibility to appreciate this divine gift. And to do that, we must have a complete understanding of all aspects of our faith, which should be rooted in the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet (Sunnah).

Imam Ali عليه السلام

Gratitude involves recognizing the blessings, refraining from forbidden actions, and dedicating oneself to service to Allah (ﷻ).

Gratitude definition

How to respond to Jazakallah khair

In response to “Jazakallah Khairan,” you can also say “wa Iyyaka” (and you as well) or “wa jazaka” (and may He reward you). These responses are all appropriate and respectful.

Islam has taught us to greet Muslims at every opportunity and seek blessings from Almighty Allah SWT.

In the Arabic language, the word “Jaza” means to repay or recompense. In the Holy Quran, specifically in Chapter 53, known as An-Najm or The Star, Verse 31, Allah speaks: “And to Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and whatever is in the earth – that He may recompense those who do evil with [the penalty of] what they have done and recompense those who do good with the best [reward].”

This verse underscores the idea that Allah rewards those who perform good deeds and punishes those who commit evil. It’s a reminder of the divine principle of recompense in the Quran.

Mastering Arabic: 10 Unique ways to say ‘Jazaka Allah Khair or Khairan

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), in an authentic hadith, The person who is favored by the other person, and in response, he says to the benefactor, ‘Jazakallah khairan’ (may Allah (ﷻ) reward you well) has Indeed praised the benefactor in the name of Almighty Allah (ﷻ) well.

This hadith of the Prophet encourages us to express gratitude and seek Allah’s (ﷻ) blessings upon those who are good to us.

Learn more about different ways of saying Jazak Allahu Khairan in a fancy native Arabic speaker’s style below in this video.

Honoring Allah’s (ﷻ) rituals and commands. A Muslim should respect and honor Allah’s (ﷻ) commands and, at the same time, should avoid things that He has prohibited. In performing what we owe Him in what He obligated us, a Muslim becomes more pious and nearer to Allah (ﷻ).

Using ‘Jazakallah Khair’ in conversations.

Scenario 1: Between Two Male Friends

Friend A: Hey, I heard you helped out at the community center last weekend. That’s great!

Friend B: Thanks! Yeah, we organized a clean-up event. It was quite a rewarding experience.

Friend A: Well, Jazakallah Khair for your efforts. It’s essential work.

Friend B: Thank you, my friend. It’s always nice to hear words of encouragement.

Jazakallah khair reply: Friend B could also say, “Wa iyyaka” in response to Friend A, which means “And to you as well.”

Scenario 2: Between a Male and a Female

Male Friend: I noticed you volunteered at the food drive. You’re amazing!

Female Friend: Oh, it was the least I could do to help.

Male Friend: Well, Jazakallah Khair for your kindness.

Female Friend: Thank you so much. It means a lot.

Jazakallah khair reply: The female friend could reply with “Wa iyyak” to express her thanks in return.

Scenario 3: In a Group of People

Person A (in a group): We’ve all worked really hard to make this charity event a success.

Group Members: (Nods and agreements)

Person B: Jazakallah Khair to everyone who contributed their time and resources.

Group Members: (Some reply with “Ameen” which is an affirmation of the prayer)

Jazakallah khair reply: In a group setting, the responses can vary. Some may reply with “Ameen” or “Wa iyyakum” to convey collective gratitude.

These scenarios illustrate how “Jazakallah Khair” can be used in different social contexts and the appropriate responses, including alternatives. It’s a way to show appreciation and acknowledgment for the efforts and kindness of others.

Understanding “Jazakallah Khair”

In Islam, by the grace of the Almighty Allah (ﷻ) and his Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), we have learned proper etiquette to help individuals become better and more harmonious.

These etiquettes, such as just expressing gratitude, “Jazakallah Khair,” are about perfecting the Muslim personality and fostering unity among believers in the oneness of Allah (ﷻ) among Muslims.

Embracing these manners and virtues not only Improves our personal qualities but also makes our souls pious and brings us closer to the hearts and minds of others in the true path of Islam.

When we talk about the guidelines for behavior and conduct, we are at the core of Islam, serving its purposes and objectives. Referring to it as ‘etiquette’ doesn’t suggest it’s a peripheral or optional aspect of life and social conduct.

It’s not something Muslims can disregard; instead, it’s a fundamental and essential code of behavior that should be followed.

The Prophet (ﷺ) once said, “No one will enter Paradise if they have even a tiny bit of arrogance in their heart.” A man asked, “But can’t a person want to dress nicely and have good shoes?” The Prophet (ﷺ) replied, “Allah (ﷻ) is beautiful and appreciates beauty. Arrogance is when you deny others their rights and look down on people.”

Shaikh Ibn Taimia added that the beauty Allah (ﷻ) likes includes wearing nice clothes. So, it’s safe to say that Allah (ﷻ) appreciates all beautiful things. Therefore, Muslims should be known for dressing neatly, staying clean, and gracefully presenting themselves.

The Power of Jazakallah khair in Islam

Being grateful is one of the most essential moral values in Islam. Two of the beautiful names of Allah (ﷻ) are related to gratitude: Al-Shakoor (الشكور) and Al-Raheem (الرحيم). In Surah Al-Imran verse 144, Allah (ﷻ) says Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) is like a messenger. There were messengers before him. If he were to pass away or be harmed, would you stop believing in Allah? People who do that won’t hurt Allah (ﷻ) at all. Allah (ﷻ) will reward the ones who are thankful.

Three key aspects of gratitude in Islam (Jazakallah khair)

In Islam, gratitude has three essential parts, according to scholars like al-Ghazali and al-Razi. These parts are:

  1. Knowledge: This means knowing and understanding the favor you’ve received and recognizing the one who gave you that favor. When you know and understand this, it makes you feel joyful, humble, and submissive inside.
  2. State: This is the inner feeling of joy, humility, and submission that comes from having knowledge about the favor and the one who gave it. It’s like a happy and humble feeling in your heart.
  • Action: These are the things you do to show your gratitude to Allah. It can be how you feel, what you say, or what you do. When you’re thankful, you might express it emotionally, verbally, or by doing something kind.

Al-Jawziyya also talks about gratitude being like half of your faith, with the other half being perseverance. Faith is about what you say, what you do, and what you mean. These include doing good things and avoiding things that are not good. Gratitude involves:

  • Recognizing Allah’s blessings.
  • Thanking Him for them.
  • Using those blessings to do things that make Allah happy.

Teaching gratitude to the next generation.

Gratitude and Tawheed (the belief in the Oneness of Allah (ﷻ) are closely connected, as explained by Nursi. To understand this, we should remember that when we are grateful, we’re not just thanking the blessings or the means through which they come; we’re actually offering thanks to the One who bestows these blessings.

We should recognize that we can’t have these blessings unless Allah (ﷻ) wills it. Gratitude and Tawheed are closely related, but we must also remember that obeying Allah (ﷻ) is a vital part of Tawheed.

Allah (ﷻ) instructs us to “proclaim His blessings,” and one way to do that is by being grateful for the means through which blessings come. I’ll explain this in more detail later.

In the verse (Quran, al-Zumar: 66), “Rather, worship Allah (ﷻ) alone, and be of those who are grateful” , many commentators suggest that there’s a clear connection between gratitude and the belief in the Oneness of Allah (ﷻ).

Ibn ‘Abbas, who said, “Gratitude means the belief in the Oneness of Allah (ﷻ).” The purpose of human beings and jinn’s creation is to worship Allah (ﷻ), as stated in the verse, “I have only created jinn and humankind to worship Me” (Quran, al-Dhariyyat: 56). Worship includes all the good and lawful things we do with the intention of pleasing Allah (ﷻ).

Verses like “Believers, eat of the good things that We have provided for you, and be grateful to Allah (ﷻ), if it is Him you worship” (Quran, al-Baqarah: 172) and “No, worship Allah (ﷻ) alone, and be of those who are grateful” (Quran, al-Zumar: 66) clearly connect gratitude with worship. Since the purpose of our creation is to worship Allah (ﷻ), gratitude is closely related to this purpose and, therefore, closely tied to the belief in the Oneness of Allah (ﷻ).

The verse in al-Dhariyyat: 56 reminds believers of the reason for their creation, which is to acknowledge Allah (ﷻ) and His control over everything, an essential aspect of Tawheed. It also serves as a rebuke to disbelievers who have forgotten this purpose.

Worship involves recognizing the power of the One being worshipped and understanding His ability to control everything, knowing what’s best and what’s harmful. So, the purpose of our creation is deeply intertwined with believing in the Oneness of Allah (ﷻ).

Jazakallah khair reply to female

When responding to a female who says “Jazakallah Khair” to you, you can say “Wa iyyaki” (وإياكِ), which means “And to you as well.” It is a polite and appropriate way to reciprocate the expression of gratitude and good wishes.

What does Jazakallah mean?

Jazakallah” means “May Allah give you,” it’s typically said at the end of a conversation or when someone does a good deed. “jazakallah khair meaning” means “May Allah reward you with goodness.”

What is the reply to Jazakallah Khair?

When someone says “Jazakallah” to you, you can reply in a friendly and polite way. For a male, you can simply say “wa iyyaka,” and for a female, it’s “wa iyyaki.” If you’re responding to a group, you can say “wa iyyakum,” which means “and to you all.”

If you want to respond in a more formal manner, you can say “wa antum fa-jazakumu-llahu khayran,” which means “And you all too, may Allah reward you with goodness.” This is a way to show extra respect and gratitude.

Is it Jazakallah Khair or Khairan?

The correct phrase is “Jazakallah Khair” (جزاك الله خيرًا), which means “May Allah reward you with goodness.” It is a common expression of gratitude and thanks in Arabic and among Muslims. “Khairan” is not the correct form; “Khair” (خير) means “goodness” in this context. So, the proper response to “Jazakallah Khair” is “Wa iyyaka” (وإياك) for a male, “Wa iyyaki” (وإياكِ) for a female, or “Wa iyyakum” (وإياكم) for a group, which means “And to you as well.”

How do you say thankyou in Islam?

In Islam, expressing gratitude is highly encouraged, and there are several ways to say “thank you” or express appreciation. Here are a few common ways to convey thanks in Islam:

  1. “Jazakallah Khair” (جزاك الله خيرًا): This phrase means “May Allah reward you with goodness.” It is a polite and common way to express gratitude in Islamic culture.
  2. “Barakallahu feek” (بارك الله فيك): This phrase means “May Allah bless you.” It is another way to thank someone and invoke blessings upon them.
  3. “Shukran” (شكرًا): This is the Arabic word for “thank you.” It is a simple and straightforward way to express thanks.
  4. “Alhamdulillah” (الحمد لله): While not a direct “thank you,” this phrase means “Praise be to Allah” and is often used to express gratitude for the blessings and favors received from Allah.
  5. “Thank you” in your local language: Muslims around the world may use their local language to say “thank you” in addition to or instead of Arabic phrases, depending on their cultural and linguistic background.

What does khair mean in Islam?

In Islam, “khair” (خير) refers to “goodness” or “that which is good.” It is a broad and positive term used to describe anything that is virtuous, beneficial, or advantageous from a moral or religious perspective. “Khair” can encompass various aspects of goodness, including acts of kindness, charity, righteousness, blessings, and positive outcomes.

The concept of “khair” is central to Islamic teachings, as we Muslims are encouraged to seek and promote that which is good and to avoid that which is harmful or evil. It is a fundamental ethical and moral principle in Islam to strive for and appreciate goodness in one’s actions and intentions. The phrase “Jazakallah Khair” is often used to express gratitude and to wish goodness upon someone.

Can you say Jazakallah to compliment?

“Jazakallah” is typically used to express gratitude and thankfulness in Islamic culture. It’s a way to acknowledge someone’s kindness or assistance and wish them well. While it’s not commonly used as a compliment in the same way as saying something like “You’re amazing” or “You look great,” it can certainly be used to compliment someone’s good deeds or their character.

For example, if someone has done something kind or generous, you can say “Jazakallah” to compliment their generosity and express your gratitude for their actions. It’s a way of acknowledging and appreciating their goodness.


  • Arish Husain

    Assalam Alaikum beautiful people! someone who loves Prophet Muhammad and his family a lot. I like finding new ways to teach important stuff, so everyone can understand what Allah wants from us and His plans. We learn to listen for whispers from Allah, understand big plans, get ready for whatever Allah has for us, and try our best. I hope Allah's blessings guide us on this special journey.Allah hu Akbar!

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