3 Effective Dua for debt, Dhikr, and Namaz to relieve anxiety

Dua for debt from Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ):

“Allaahumma inni a’oodhi bika min al-ma’tham wa’l-maghram

Islam tells us not to get into debt and encourages Muslims to avoid it whenever possible. When someone is in debt, they might end up saying things that aren’t true and not keeping their promises (which is haram). Aisha (رضي الله عنها) shared that the Prophet ﷺ, who had Allah’s (ﷲ) blessings and peace, used to pray:

“O Allah (ﷲ), I seek refuge in You from sin and being burdened by heavy debt.”

Dua for debt is a particular verse from the Quran; upon reciting it, one can ask the Almighty Allah (ﷲ) to seek relief from the debts. Have you ever felt that ALLAH (ﷲ) is so close that we can feel his care, love, and sometimes His guidance refraining us from indulging in evil actions?

If Yes, Alhamdulillah, and If no, then why have you not?

Allah (ﷲ) is Al-Wahhab (The Bestower) because he gives gifts often; Allah (ﷲ) is As-Sami’ (The All-Hearing); he listens to our prayers; he is Al-Ghaffar (The Forgiving), Ar-Rahman (The Most Gracious), Ar-Raheem (The Most Merciful) because he forgives our sins no matter how big they are Indeed they are not bigger than Allah (ﷲ) the Almighty, Allah (ﷲ) is Al-Alim (The All-Knowing) He knows the secret of every heart and, Allah (ﷲ) is As-Salaam (The Source of Peace) he alone holds all the power in this world and hereafter and he alone holds power to give peace to the heart in trouble. So seek guidance from Allah (ﷲ) alone, no matter how big your problem is.

If you know your lord well enough, you won’t even have any worldly problems; instead, you will be more worried about how to Impress your lord and how each second of this life can make Him happy. Imagine the state of mind and the peace one must get when he is that close to his Rab!

Dua for debt in English.

In Islam, it’s important to stay away from debt whenever we can. When someone becomes indebted, they might end up saying untruths and breaking promises. Aisha (may Allaah be pleased with her) shared that the Prophet, (ﷺ) would pray: “O Allah (ﷲ) I seek refuge in You from sin and being burdened by heavy debt.”

“Allaahumma inni a’oodhi bika min al-ma’tham wa’l-maghram

Dua for debt and anxiety.

If Allah (ﷲ) is putting troubles in your life, He wants to give you something. Which is why it is important and It is only you who can see what Allah (ﷲ) want’s to give you.

How can one achieve this level of closeness to Allah (ﷲ)? It is straightforward: avoiding haram and focusing only on halal things in life. One must need to pure his soul before he can feel the closeness to Allah (ﷲ).

Read this dua for debt also called Surah Al-Anbya.

Dua for debt and anxiety

Dua for debt repayment.

The start of debt brings worry, and the finish is sometimes trouble. When someone needs to borrow money, they can be very kind, but when it’s time to give it back, they might not be so nice. People often forget when they asked for the loan, whether it was day or night, morning or evening, on any day of the week.

Read this dua for debt also called Surah Al-Qadr daily as manty times as possible.

Imam Muhammad al-Jawad (عليه السلام) once gave this advice to someone who had written to him, feeling troubled because of his debts. The Imam told the person to ask for forgiveness from Allah (ﷲ) and to regularly recite Surah al-Qadr, ensuring that he keeps his tongue busy with it.

Plan to recite Surah Al-Qadr 100 times in a day this is very effective:

Time SlotNumber of Recitations
Morning20 times
Late Morning20 times
Noon20 times
Afternoon20 times
Evening10 times
Night10 times
Late Night10 times

Namaz for Debt repayment in Islam (Dua for debt)

Imam Sadiq (عليه السلام). is the sixth Imam (in Twelver Shia Islam) and a descendant of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ). He is a respected scholar and a spiritual leader with significant Islamic influence on thoughts and education.

A long time ago, a person went to Imam al-Sadiq (عليه السلام) with a heavy heart. He said, “Master, I’m in a difficult situation due to the money I owe, and the ruler’s unfair actions are making things even more challenging.” Please guide me with a special prayer to help me clear my debts and protect me from the ruler’s injustice?”

Imam al-Sadiq (عليه السلام) kindly replied, “When the night falls, offer a two-unit prayer. In the first Rakat, recite Surah al-Faatihah and Ayah al-Kursi. In the second Rakat, recite Surah al-Faatehah and the last four verses of Surah al-Hashr (Verse numbers 24 to 27).”

Repayment of Debts often comes with a lot of stress, and it also holds essential responsibility from an Islamic perspective. This Namaz is very effective for repayment of debts in Islam because it has been taught by Imam Al-Sadiq عليه السلام.

Please ensure to fully concentrate as If we are standing in front of Allah (ﷲ), and whatever we ask, he will surely give us.

Namaz for settling debts Step by step guide and dua for debt.

Step 1: Ablution (Wudu)

Begin by performing the ablution (dua for wudu) to purify yourself. This is a necessary step before offering any prayer in Islam.

Step 2: Preparing for Prayer

  • Find a clean and quiet place to concentrate and offer the Namaz without distractions.
  • Dress modestly in clean and pure clothing.
  • Ensure you have a prayer mat or a clean surface to offer the Namaz.

Step 3: Offering a Two-Unit (Rak’ah) Prayer

The supplication given by Imam al-Sadiq (عليه السلام.) involves a two-unit prayer (rak’ah). Here is how to perform this prayer:

Begin your prayer with the intention in your heart to seek guidance in settling your debts and seeking protection.

Step 4: First Unit of the Prayer

  1. Stand facing the qibla (the direction of the Kaaba in Mecca).
  2. Start by raising your hands to your ears and saying “Allahu Akbar” (“ﷲ”).
  3. In the first unit, recite Surah Al-Fatiha (the Opening) followed by Ayah al-Kursi (Verse 255 of Surah Al-Baqarah).
  4. After reciting Ayah al-Kursi, bow down (Ruku) and say “Subhana Rabbiyal Azeem” (Glory be to my Lord, the Almighty) three times.

Step 5: Second Unit of the Prayer

  1. In the second unit, recite Surah Al-Fatiha and the last four verses of Surah Al-Hashr (verses 22-24).
  2. After completing the recitation, bow down again (Ruku) and say “Subhana Rabbiyal Azeem” three times.
  3. Stand up from bowing and say “Sami Allahu liman hamidah, Rabbana lakal hamd” while raising your hands.
  4. After completing the second unit, finish your prayer with the Tasleem by أَشْهَدُ أَنْ لاَ إِلٰهَ إِلاّ الله وَ أَشَهَدُ أَنَّ مُحَمَّداً عَبْدُهُ وَ رَسُولُه، أَللّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلىٰ مُحَمَّدٍ وَ آلِ مُحَمَّد. Transliteration: Ashhadu an la ilaha illallah wa ashhadu anna Muhammadan ‘abduhu wa rasuluh, Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammadin wa ali Muhammad.
  5. English Translation: I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah (ﷲ), and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and His messenger. O Allah (ﷲ), send blessings upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad.
  6. Recite Tasbeeh for forgiveness.

Step 6: Supplication

In this moment of personal supplication, you can use your own words to express your needs and concerns to Allah (ﷲ). Ask Him to provide you with the means to settle your debts and protect you from oppression. Pour out your heart sincerely.

It would be best if you then repeated each of the following words ten times:

بِكَ يَا اللّٰهُ
یَا مُحَمَّد
، يَا عَلِىُّ،
يَا فَاطِمَةُ،
يَا حَسَنُ،
يَا حُسَيْنُ
يَا عَلِىَّ بْنَ الْحُسَيْنِ
يَا مُحَمَّدَ بْنَ عَلِيٍّ
يَا جَعْفَرَ بْنَ مُحَمَّدٍ
يَا مُوْسَى بْنَ جَعْفَر
،يَا عَلِىَّ بْنَ مُوْسٰ
، يا مُحَمَّدَ بْنَ عَلِيّ
، يَا عَلِىَّ بْنَ مُحَمَّدٍ،
يَا حَسَنَ بْنَ عَلِيّ
، بِالْحُجَّةِ۔

You may then ask for what you need after reciting this dua for debt.

Dua for debt relief (Another dua for debt relief).

Dua for debt relief english Translation: “O Allah (ﷲ), the Lord of the seven heavens and the Great Throne, Our Lord and the Lord of all things, Revealer of the Torah, the Gospel, and the Criterion (Quran), the Splitter of the grain and the date stone, I seek refuge in You from all evil and harm. You are the One who seizes by the forelock.

You are the First, there is nothing before You, and You are the Last, there is nothing after You. You are the Manifest, and there is nothing above You, and You are the Hidden, and there is nothing beyond You. Settle my debt for me and free me from poverty.”


How do I pray Allah (ﷲ) to pay off my debt?

Allah, who is all-powerful, is also incredibly merciful. It’s essential for all Muslims to seek divine assistance frequently. I’ll share my personal method of seeking help from Allah (ﷲ), which has provided relief for me. I’m not sure about you, but as a human, there are times when I unintentionally engage in activities that go against Islamic teachings. 

For me, the solution is straightforward: I seek forgiveness by saying “Astaghfirullah” repeatedly, often more than a thousand times a day. Believe me, the help from Allah (ﷲ) arrives from unexpected places beyond what I could have ever imagined. 

But this doesn’t mean that if Allah (ﷲ) relieves you from troubles, you can keep doing things that are not allowed (Haram). Instead, take it as a step forward to living more peacefully, and the results you will notice will be completely mindblowing. I mean the peace and solace in your life; there won’t be any problems, or if there are problems, you will entirely rely on Allah (ﷲ) because you know He is there for you and all the stress in life will be gone.

This is how I ask Allah (ﷲ) for help. When Allah (ﷲ) helps, nothing can stand in its way. When you try to become a better person for Allah’s (ﷲ) path, you’ll realize that Allah (ﷲ) loves you even more than you thought possible.

When you truly love and pray to Allah (ﷲ), like doing Salah five times a day and saying the special dua for debt after each Salah, especially after the Fajar prayer recite Ziyarat Warith, it’s the best and quickest way to clear your debts in Islam.

Which Surah is for paying off debt?

In Islam, we have all the knowledge we need, but sometimes we don’t pay attention and learn the right things. For example, in Surah Al-Baqarah (2:282), Allah (ﷲ) tells us about the importance and the right way to deal with loans.

In today’s world, many people have debt, and sometimes Allah (ﷲ) allows certain individuals or families to experience Poverty as a test to improve their character and deeds. But sometimes, humans are not patient and make mistakes because we don’t understand these tests.

We might do things that only harm us and then ask Allah (ﷲ) for help. Think about it: if we are patient with what Allah (ﷲ) has given us and follow His guidance, wouldn’t it be better for us? Most of us take debt, which helps us fulfill our duty towards our family or what is unproductive.

What Allah (ﷲ) says about debt?

Islam emphasizes living according to the teachings of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) for our benefit. But often, we need to pay more attention to things because our belief in Allah (ﷲ) isn’t that strong. There are many hadiths that talk explicitly about debt in Islam and its consequences, some of which are.

Hadiths of dua for debt.

The Prophet (ﷺ) said, “The debtor is like a prisoner trapped by his debt.” (Abu Dawood, 3341; considered good by al-Albaani in Saheeh Abi Dawood).

It is said that even if a person is a martyr in the battle for Allah’s (ﷲ) sake, they cannot enter Paradise until their debt is paid. (Al-Nasaa’i, 4605).

What does Quran says about unpaid debts?

These are some verses from the chapter Surah Al-Baqara which talks about usury in Islam and its consequences.

Verse 275 dua for debt.

Those who indulge in usury will find themselves standing on the Day of Judgment as if touched by the devil’s madness. This is because they claim that trading is just like usury, even though Allah (ﷲ) has allowed trade and forbidden usury. Those who turn away after being shown the right path will be forgiven for their past deeds, but those who persist will face the punishment of the Fire, where they will abide forever.

Verse 276 dua for debt.

Allah (ﷲ) will remove His blessings from usury but will increase the reward for charitable acts because He does not favor those who are ungrateful and wicked.

Verse 277 dua for debt.

Those who believe, perform righteous deeds, establish regular prayers, and give charity will be rewarded by their Lord. They need not fear or grieve.

Verse 278 dua for debt.

Believers, fear Allah (ﷲ) and abandon any remaining usurious demands if you are true in your faith.

Verse 279 dua for debt.

If you do not do so, be prepared for war declared by Allah (ﷲ) and His Messenger. But if you turn away, you will receive your principal sums, and you shall not be wronged nor shall you wrong others.

Verse 280 dua for debt.

If the debtor is facing hardship, give them more time to repay. However, it’s even better if you forgive the debt as an act of charity, if you only knew.

Verse 281 dua for debt.

Fear the Day when you will all return to Allah (ﷲ), and every soul will be compensated for what they have earned, with absolute justice, and no one will be treated unfairly.

The correct way of borrowing in Islam is:

  1. Write down the debt and the agreed-upon repayment date.
  2. If the borrower is unable to communicate due to illness or other reasons, their guardian should provide the necessary information.
  3. If someone other than the borrower is recording the loan, the borrower should still dictate the loan’s details to the recorder.
  4. The lender has the right to request collateral for the loan, which the lender will hold. This collateral serves as a guarantee. If the mortgagor (borrower) fails to repay the debt as agreed, the item in the collateral may be sold, and the debt can be settled with that money. Any surplus will be returned to the owner of the collateral, which is the borrower.
  5. The loan transaction should be witnessed, with at least two men or one man and two women present as witnesses.


In this post, we at Salatallayl have tried to provide as much knowledge as possible, and whoever is reading this, Inshallah, soon all your debt will be over by the grace of Allah (ﷲ) the most merciful. Do not lose hope in Allah because what he can see, no one can see that. Whatever Allah (ﷲ) has planned for us, believe in it and follow the true path. This is the only way to succeed in this life and hereafter. If you like this post, share it, comment, and subscribe to our newsletter for better posts on the Islamic way of living.


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  • Arish Husain

    Assalam Alaikum beautiful people! someone who loves Prophet Muhammad and his family a lot. I like finding new ways to teach important stuff, so everyone can understand what Allah wants from us and His plans. We learn to listen for whispers from Allah, understand big plans, get ready for whatever Allah has for us, and try our best. I hope Allah's blessings guide us on this special journey.Allah hu Akbar!

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